STM variables in ReaderT, hoisting from STM to IO

(This may be a well-known pattern, but I don’t think I’ve seen it before, so here goes)

I was working on some code recently, where some data must be shared (and mutated) by several threads. Hence, using STM. The data model is not a single TVar, but multiple TVars, TMVars etc. I decided to create a data record, bundling all these variables.

Initially, I passed such value around wherever needed, then using readTVar etc. in atomically blocks. Something like the following:

data S = S { sFoo :: TVar Int, sBar :: TVar Int }

thread :: S -> IO ()
thread s = do
  i <- atomically $ do
    f <- readTVar (sFoo s)
    writeTVar' (sBar s) (f + 1)
    pure f
  putStrLn ("foo was " ++ show i)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  s <- S <$> newTVarIO <*> newTVarIO
  forkIO (thread s)
  forkIO (thread s)

(In the above, imagine thread needs to call some other actions which also need some of the S structure)

This works, but the ergonomics aren’t great. So, I realized, I could use ReaderT S IO to make my S available. However, this still required to pull out the various TVars in the outer scope (outside atomically), then mutate them inside atomically:

thread2 :: ReaderT S IO ()
thread2 = do
  vf <- asks sFoo
  vb <- asks sBar
  i <- atomically $ do
    f <- readTVar vf
    writeTVar' vb (f + 1)
    pure f
  lift (putStrLn ("foo was " ++ show i))

-- Then
-- forkIO (runReaderT thread2 s)

Not great either. However, there’s a trick up our sleeves: there’s a monad morphism from ReaderT S STM to ReaderT S IO, and we can write combinators which, given a S -> TVar a (or something Lens’y, of course) allows to read or write the TVar:

get :: (r -> TVar a) -> ReaderT r STM a
get g = asks g >>= \t -> lift (readTVar t)

set :: (r -> TVar a) -> a -> ReaderT r STM ()
set g v = asks g >>= \t -> lift (writeTVar' t v)

Now we can write

thread3 :: ReaderT S IO ()
thread3 = do
  i <- hoist atomically $ do
    f <- get sFoo
    set sBar (f + 1)
    pure f
  lift (putStrLn ("foo was " ++ show i))

or, with a more explicit type signature

thread4 :: ReaderT S IO ()
thread4 = do
  i <- hoist atomically transaction
  lift (putStrLn ("foo was " ++ show i))

transaction :: ReaderT S STM Int
transaction = do
      f <- get sFoo
      set sBar (f + 1)
      pure f

One could imagine having a library exposing all actions from the stm package, now taking a r -> T a instead of a T a directly (or a Lens’y Getting (TVar a) r (TVar a)), lifting the original action into ReaderT r m (or MonadReader r m => ..., of course).


Don’t know if you are aware but I think this is the ReaderT desing pattern. Maybe with some extra hoist

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Thanks for the pointer! I heard about it, but never read that post.

Indeed, very related. I think the “novelty” lies in looking at the TVars (etc.) in the ReaderT context as a whole, and hoist atomically to run a ReaderT Env STM in the environment with get/put-like actions-with-a-getter, instead of using more traditional calls to asks myGetter to retrieve variables from the environment.


This pattern is new to me. My ReaderT STM code is similar to your thread2 example, and use of hoist is a definite improvement.

Thank you for sharing!


Actually the ReaderT pattern is based on that. The Idea goes like this

-- your main types. An Evironment with mutable variables and your App type which is ReaderT over IO
data Env = Env { sFoo :: TVar Int, mutables_references ...}
data App = App { runApp :: ReaderT Env IO a} deriving (Monads...)

class HasMutableRef w env | env -> w where
  writeRefL :: Lens' env (TVar w)

instance HasMutableRef Int Env where
  writeRefL = lens sFoo (...)

You should look at RIO prelude, which is an opinionated prelude sustitute with more less the same ideas you’ve come with (including lenses to mutable references). I say so because it seems you are reinventing the wheel a little bit :smile:

That being said, the hoist thing seems like a good addition to the pattern

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