Supercede's House Style for Haskell

Here’s a style guide I wrote recently which is partly my opinion, and partly observations on what has organically emerged as the way we typically write Haskell code on our team. It describes syntax, but goes beyond that because style encompasses all parts of our work.

What do you think?


I like to put my “block opening” keywords* at the end of a line. In particular, I write where like this:

hangingIndent :: MonadIO m => a -> m b
hangingIndent a = fromAToB a where
  fromAToB = do

* let, of, where, do


I both wholeheartedly agree, and swear to never do this at work.

On the whole, I agree that manually controlling the layout of code can help with readability. It’s not necessarily about aesthetics, but rather with organizing information. Just like a good module hierarchy is important for code navigation (among other things), code layout helps visual navigation. I personally like the style presented in the blog post, and would enjoy reading source code in this layout.

But unfortunately, people’s view of a good layout is quite personal. In a work setting, I always highly recommend a non-configurable code formatter (ormolu for Haskell and black for Python, for example). The goal is to maximize global readability by homogeneizing code written by different people, in contrast to maximizing layout on a per-person basis for local readibility.

In a workplace with a mandatory style, isn’t it basically like having a code formatter, but with the extra steps of having to enforce some rules manually?


The first half prescribing how to layout code is something I’ve always considered a problem to automate away.[1]

I do think some of the other sections are valuable and can be justified with practical reasoning:

  • Avoiding wildcards because it can ensure you handle new cases.
  • Tests should be self contained and meta code vs object code should be clearly distinguished.

They have a flavour of more systems thinking.

Another pattern I’ve observed:

  • Keep functions seated in monads on the lowest practical layer of the stack, for better composition and performance e.g.
    • The Query monad (eg Rel8) can be composed into one big query which requires only one round trip to non-local DBs (PG, etc.).
    • A Transaction (eg Hasql) monad obviously composes into a transaction which has atomicity guarantees, but clearly doesn’t compose in the same way as Query.
    • And then a possible Model monad which access DBs, files, HTTP APIs, etc can be called from many contexts (a web handler, a task scheduler, command line, test suite, etc.).
    • Implement Auth on whatever layer needed.
    • Instead, you often see all code in one big App type, and N+1 query problems everywhere, with a web redirect in the middle of a data accessing pattern, dirty DB reads, etc. and it’s very difficult to undo later on.

Haskell makes it easy to cheaply model this in the types, and I think it’s worth doing. It can make code more atomic, perform better, and be more testable. But it’s harder to automate, you have to remember to do it, as a team. (Or perhaps LLMs can help…)

  1. See this paragraph about my work on autoformatters. ↩︎


This style choice is fairly pervasive and I don’t understand why:

doTheThing ::
     MonadIO m
  => MonadLogger m
  => UserId -- ^ The currently logged in user
  -> CompanyId -- ^ The company the user wishes to foo bar baz
  -> SqlPersistT m ()

Some of those types are arguments, some are constraints, and one is the return type. At a glance, which is which? Which one looks special? (MonadIO m, because it has no arrow ahead of it.) Where does the kind of the types look like it changes? (CompanyId is the first type to have a -> arrow on its line.) But the special type here is SqlPersistT m (), because it’s the only thing in this signature that is an output. And the first argument type is not CompanyId but UserId.

I like to format multiline signatures like this, therefore:

doTheThing ::
  MonadIO m =>
  MonadLogger m =>
  UserId -> -- The currently logged in user
  CompanyId -> -- The company the user wishes to foo bar baz
    SqlPersistT m ()

Am I a monster? Why is this not the convention? (Aside from circular ‘because the tooling doesn’t support it’ reasons, I mean.)


Isn’t it what ormolu does?

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Not being an ormolu user, I didn’t know that!

From the code I’ve seen on Hackage, it still seems like a minority preference—though I’m happy to see that it’s not quite as small a minority as I feared!

And I still prefer marking the return type with a double-indent over what ormolu did at the time of that commit (maybe they’ve adopted that convention also since then).

I agree. It was a revelation to me when ormolu chose to put the arrows after arguments. I found it weird at first but now it makes a lot of sense to me.

As @bodigrim says, that’s the ormolu style, apart from the final indent. I guess I could get used to your way, but ormolu suits me fine for now.

What are “meta code” and “object code” here?

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I was using that as a short-hand; meta as “analysis of something at a higher level” (scaffold, setup/teardown, assertions, fake data, config, …) and object as “a concrete thing within a system” (functions, modules, services, …). AKA the test harness and the system under test.

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It is gaining ground. I used to like the old way, but I like being able to grep for definitions with a regex like ^name ::. Now that linear types have landed, arrows etc are no longer uniformly two characters, which means the neat vertical alignment is not guaranteed.

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-> CompanyId -- ^ The company the user wishes to foo bar baz

is haddock syntax. Meaning haddock understand that The company ... relates to CompanyId.

This is lost when writting

CompanyId --> -- The company the user wishes to foo bar baz

The ‘^’ before ‘The company’ has disappeared, this is now just a comment not a haddock comment.

I don’t think Haddock would understand

CompanyId --> -- ^ The company the user wishes to foo bar baz

(Correct me if I am wrong).

I am actually surprised to see chaining of => I am more used to see all constraints between parentheses which will give something along

doTheThing ::
   (  MonadIO m
   , MonadLogger m
  => UserId -- ^ The currently logged in user
  -> CompanyId -- ^ The company the user wishes to foo bar baz
  -> SqlPersistT m ()

which makes the separation between constraints and argument more obvious.

I would personally write

 doTheThing :: (MonadIO m , MonadLogger m )
            => UserId -- ^ The currently logged in user
            -> CompanyId -- ^ The company the user wishes to foo bar baz
            -> SqlPersistT m ()

I do it as well. It removes one indentation level, precious for people following the 80 character per line.

I would be interested in views on how to style functions with large numbers of arguments. For example, the Stack project, which respects 80-character lines for the most part, has code formatting like the following for functions that yield an action:

-- | Perform the actual plan
executePlan ::
     HasEnvConfig env
  => BuildOptsCLI
  -> BaseConfigOpts
  -> [LocalPackage]
  -> [DumpPackage] 
     -- ^ global packages
  -> [DumpPackage] 
     -- ^ snapshot packages
  -> [DumpPackage] 
     -- ^ project packages and local extra-deps
  -> InstalledMap
  -> Map PackageName Target
  -> Plan
  -> RIO env ()
  = do
    logDebug "Executing the build plan"
    bopts <- view buildOptsL
      (executePlan' installedMap targets plan)


Are there ‘better’ ways?

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I personally tend to put everything on one line (no 80 chars restriction) and let my editor wrap things for me. You can, for example, configure vim to indent wrapped lines with the current line indentation, so the example above will look like

The vim config is

set breakindent " indent wrapped line
set linebreak " break wrapped line between word
set showbreak=\ \ ∥\ 

The advantages are

  • I can “fold” those long lines by disabling wrapping
  • and I use [D in vim lots : it displays the line defining the function under the cursor. To so I need the full type on one line.

Having said that, in your case I would split it like you did. I think it is perfectly fine.

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One argument in favour of short lines in code (e.g. 80 characters or less) is that it makes the code much easier to read on an iPhone with the GitHub app.

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The github app wraps lines by default (on Android at least).
But it doesn’t indent wrapped lines as vim do so it is not that nice indeed.

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Another argument in favour of keeping the :: on the same line as the function name is that it is syntax highlighter-friendly (when it comes to colouring the function name).


The original post is great, thanks.

I don’t use a code formatter, but I’m onboard with it being a good idea sooner or later.

But I always strongly favour breaking the 80 char limit and using longer lines when needed (within reason), with line wrapping usually turned off (ie, with too-long lines truncated). Because seeing clear code structure, and more of it, is much more valuable than fitting in narrow horizontal space. I usually don’t need to be seeing the end of every line, instead I want to see more of the program. When I do want to see line ends, it’s easy to temporarily maximize a window, toggle line wrap, or scroll.

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Haddock indeed didn’t understand this in the past (up until GHC 8.10, it would even fail to parse it back then), but since GHC 9.0, Haddock can parse it just fine and does consider the comment here to apply to CompanyId.


Ormolu (which I use but sometimes find rather frustrating) deals with this by using -- | comments:

foo ::
  -- | The company the user wishes to foo bar baz
  CompanyId ->