`tasty-prelude` a battery included testing framework based on `tasty`

Tasty is a very minimal framework, and the author would like to keep it this way (and see this rant). There are number of useful packages that should be packaged together but aren’t:

and a few others like tasty-discover (requires template haskell), tasty-dejafu, tasty-hspec, …

I would be nice bundle them as a single tasty-prelude package. Some of them could be hidden behind a cabal flag like a choice between quickcheck and hedgehog or whether to allow template Haskell (tasty-discover) or are not used as frequently as others (e.g. tasty-dejafu, feel free to disagree).

What do you think about it? Which packages from the tasty ecosystem should be included, and which ones would be nice to have behind a cabal flag in your opinion?

A college of mine suggested the name tasty-appetizer, though tasty-prelude would more discoverable. Any ideas welcomed!


That sounds great. You might also want to consider the name tasty-plaform (like microlens-platform).

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