Tokyo Haskell Meetup on 19 Feb

Hello Tokyo Haskell people!

I am attempting to reboot the Tokyo Haskell meetup, and I’m happy to announce the first one will be hosted by Imiron on 19th of February at the 12Kanda building in Kanda (near Akihabara).

Arnaud Spiwack GHC contributor and maintainer of the LinearTypes extension will give a talk (in English): On the joy, and occasional value, of linear comonoids.

Please use the Meetup link to RSVP if you are interested (space is limited):
Haskell Meetup.

Also, if you want to propose a talk/activity/library-to-discover for subsequent Tokyo Haskell meetups, please use this email address:


Excited that the Tokyo Meetup is kicking off again. Looking forward to attending.


Will the meetup be conducted in Japanese or English ?

@yellowbean not the OP but the OP mentioned elsewhere that “The talk, as well as much of the chatting, will be in English.”

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In English, I should have said! (I’ve amended it now.)

How to map sound L?

It’s usually pronounced ハスケル (hasukeru), though online I think it’s mostly written “Haskell”.

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