So there’s quite a particular reason you’re having trouble… In Haskell terms depend on their types - meaning that types constrain our terms:
data Ty = TInt | TBool
data Val (ty :: Ty) where
VInt :: Int -> Val TInt
VBool :: Bool -> Val TBool
-- Now the following term depends on the type,
-- because the terms that are valid are constrained
-- by the types assigned to them
intVal :: Val TInt
intVal = VInt 1
-- The following would be invalid because terms depend on their types:
-- intVal = VBool True
So I expect you know all that already - that’s not news, but now let’s look at what you asked to do.
case Map.lookup (ident :: String) env of
Just (SomeVal (someVal :: Val someTy)) -> ???
Nothing -> ...
What you are asking the compiler to do is to realize that the someTy
in the parameter to Val
is the same as the type ty
in the expected argument type. In other words, we are basically trying to write the following function:
tryProof :: Ty ty -> SomeVal -> Maybe (Val ty)
tryProof _ty (SomeVal (someVal :: Val SomeTy)) = ...
Try as you might - this function is impossible to write. Why you might ask? Because you are asking for the runtime value in SomeVal to reflect its type to the compiler. In some sense you are asking for the type of the Val someTy
in SomeVal
to tell something to the type system - namely whether or not it is the same as the ty
in the type signature. You are asking for the types to depend on the terms. This is a little hard to see, but the reason is because remember that Haskell erases its types at runtime, so we cannot recover the type at runtime because Haskell does not provide that ability.
Well, you can do it… Here are your options (I recommend options 4, 1, 2, then worst 3 in that order) :
- De Bruijn indices - this options leaks the types out from the
environment using some fancy GADTs. This is a very important step in understanding, but is generally not the best, because variable lookups now become O(n) in the number of variables. But note that this representation removes the existential around values in the environment, hence why those types can be inspected by the compiler. I couldn’t find a tutorial for de bruijn indices that wasn’t in Idris, but the following example will work when rewritten in Haskell, and I believe there is a stackoverflow out there with Haskell code. Example: The Well-Typed Interpreter — Idris2 0.0 documentation
- Use a dependently typed language (Idris, Agda are the closest to Haskell). One thing that dependently typed languages allow you to do is optionally inspect the types of terms (at the cost of a small runtime penalty). In your case this would allow you to write the equivalent of
if someTy == ty then someVal else error
, using pattern matching on the actual types themselves. Note that the “dependent types” here mean that the types depend on terms - since the terms can tell the compiler their types (where there are potentially many possibilities).
- Use Typeable and associated type classes. I recommend doing this only after you understand the rest, because it’s just a hack version of the final option…
- Use Haskell but fake dependent types, which I show below. This is how I do this nowadays (when I do). Basically you keep a GADT
standing for "singleton of Ty
" that allows you to recover types from a term, and then keep that with SomeVal
, so the compiler can check the terms of existential types. This would be much more obvious in Agda/Idris, but it’s still possible to grok in Haskell.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module MyLib (someFunc) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Type.Equality (TestEquality(testEquality), (:~:)(Refl))
data Ty = TInt | TBool
data STy (ty :: Ty) where
STInt :: STy TInt
STBool :: STy TInt
instance TestEquality STy where
testEquality STInt STInt = Just Refl
testEquality STInt STBool = Nothing
testEquality STBool STInt = Nothing
testEquality STBool STBool = Just Refl
data Val (ty :: Ty) where
VInt :: Int -> Val TInt
VBool :: Bool -> Val TBool
data TExp (ty :: Ty) where
TEPlus :: TExp TInt -> TExp TInt -> TExp TInt
TEAnd :: TExp TBool -> TExp TBool -> TExp TBool
TEIfThenElse :: TExp TBool -> TExp a -> TExp a -> TExp a
TEId :: String -> STy ty -> TExp ty
data SomeVal where
SomeVal :: Val ty -> STy ty -> SomeVal
eval :: TExp ty -> Map String SomeVal -> Val ty
eval exp env = case exp of
TEPlus lExp rExp -> let (VInt lInt) = eval lExp env
(VInt rInt) = eval rExp env
in VInt (lInt + rInt)
TEAnd lExp rExp -> let (VBool lBool) = eval lExp env
(VBool rBool) = eval rExp env
in VBool (lBool && rBool)
TEIfThenElse condExp thenExp elseExp -> let VBool condBool = eval condExp env
in eval (if condBool then thenExp else elseExp) env
TEId varName sExpectedTy -> case Map.lookup varName env of
Just (SomeVal varVal sVarTy) -> case testEquality sExpectedTy sVarTy of
Nothing -> error "Type mismatch between expected and found type"
-- NOTE: You have to pattern match on the actual Refl - because GHC isn't smart enough
-- if you write "Just myRefl" to realise that there is only one constructor that contains the
-- proof you want
Just Refl -> varVal
Nothing -> error "Oopsie!"
-- The same as the above but with types exposed for clarity
-- TEId varName (sExpectedTy :: STy tyExpected) -> case Map.lookup varName env of
-- Just (SomeVal (varVal :: Val tyFound) (sVarTy :: STy tyFound)) -> case testEquality sExpectedTy sVarTy of
-- Nothing -> error "Type mismatch between expected and found type"
-- Just (Refl :: tyExpected :~: tyFound ) -> varVal
-- Nothing -> error "Oopsie!"
I won’t dig into Refl
too much here - I recommend the first chapter of PLFA by Phil Wadler if you would like to understand that better, but it basically proves that two types are equal, because the only constructor in Refl
requires that its two type parameters be equal.
Further reading:
- Justin Le’s 4 part tutorial series on singletons, but I recommend this as the first step in your journey, because it covers everything in great detail. Seriously, this blog series is amazing - Introduction to Singletons (Part 1) · in Code. It will teach you about everything discussed in my response. He currently does a lot of work on type-safe neural nets with dependent types, which is nifty!
- The singletons Haskell library which removes the
and TestEquality
boilerplate. This library is “unergonomic dependent types in Haskell”, written by Richard Eisenberg, who is currently trying to add dependent types to GHC. The readme linked to from package is very detailed… singletons: Basic singleton types and definitions
- Idris 2’s docs are really really good: A Crash Course in Idris 2 — Idris2 0.0 documentation. They explain dependent types darned well.
- PLFA by Phil Wadler is great if you’re interested in understanding some of the theory behind all this: https://plfa.github.io
Philip Wadler – Propositions as Types - YouTube “Propositions as types” gets to the beauty of types in general, but isn’t directly tied to the rest of my recommendations
Please do ask any more questions