I took inspiration from the Hindley Milner Teeshirt and created a tee-shirt design with the catchphrase Progress and Preservation
Do you also have ReaderT and WriterT’s available? I am unsure whether ReaderT’s are Foldable, though.
Haha foldable. And I suppose progress-and-preservation means I cannot hang my t-shirt
I like your T-shirt more than the original. The phrase in the original, “What about … don’t you understand” rubs me as somewhat snobbish and unwelcoming (even if it is meant ironically). I would much rather see some mottos which say something more welcoming and which express that we want to share the joy all this theory stuff brings us. Something along the lines of “Haskell: All types are welcome” or “Come, lets join up and explore category theory together”
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
alone would make a slogan, only that it sounds a bit like “explicit language”
Nice. I like that we are brainstorming for more T-Shirt slogans.
{-# PARENTAL ADVISORY ExplicitForAll #-}
Love it, I’d wear this
welcome :: forall programmers. HaskellT programmers