Foo is a type that is defined in the module Model. In Haskell you can’t import types or functions directly like that. You can import the entire module: import Model or you can import specific functions/types from a module with the syntax: import Model (Foo). Here is the section of the Haskell2010 report that describes all possible ways of importing things. Maybe the most useful part is this table with examples:
Import declaration
Names brought into scope
import A
x, y, A.x, A.y
import A()
import A(x)
x, A.x
import qualified A
A.x, A.y
import qualified A()
import qualified A(x)
import A hiding ()
x, y, A.x, A.y
import A hiding (x)
y, A.y
import qualified A hiding ()
A.x, A.y
import qualified A hiding (x)
import A as B
x, y, B.x, B.y
import A as B(x)
x, B.x
import qualified A as B
B.x, B.y
In your case Model can be substituted for A or B, and Foo can be substituted for x or y.