Using a freshly released package with the VScode extension


I released a library (jacobi-theta) last week on Hackage. I use it in another library, by putting it in the extra-deps of stack.yaml. This works, but the Haskell extension of VScode does not find it. Is it normal? Should I “refresh” something?

After modifying my *.cabal file I always press F1 and then type Restart Haskell LSP Server. I guess you might have to do the same when you edit stack.yaml files.

I tried, that doesn’t work. I also did a stack clean and rebuilt, and restarted VScode. Nothing works.

How about stack update ?

I’ve tried. Already up-to-date.

I also tried to include this package from its github repo, something like this:

  - numeric-tools-
  - gl-capture-
  - git:
    commit: e63e24a0afc37da73aa202ab09320ee6346f1728

But still the same error thrown by the extension: library not found.

I’ve found the solution!! It is cabal update.