for the simple reason that the accumulating function acc usually doesn’t fit in that same line with foldl'.
What I am missing is, what for and for_ do to traverse and traverse_ and <&> to fmap: a way to write
myVersionOffold mempty xs $ \acc x ->
Is there some sort of general consensus on how to write those accumulator functions for folds? In my code, they practically never deserve a name, as they are really only used once in the fold.
Maybe we need a 3 argument rotation version of flip, say
trip :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> b -> c -> a -> d
trip f b c a = f a b c
myVersionOffold = trip foldl'
Probably unlikely to catch on
I definitely see where you’re coming from. I’ve also often been annoyed about struggling to squeeze a lambda into a single line, then struggling to come up with a good name after I give up and decide to name it.
Yes. Sometimes that’s useful. For more complex folds, I give the accumulating function a type signature, which is helpful, too. But often enough, I have folds like C has for-loops: The structure that is folded over is trivial and the folding function does some heavy lifting.