What is the best way to start a GHC proposal

I’ve been advocating for years about a Template Haskell Light thing and I’d be happy to coordinate (implement it?), however I’m not sure what is the best way to do so.

Is it better to just start with a proposal (which is time consuming and likely to be refused) and hope to get traction from there or should it be the other way around : trying to get traction on “fora” and from that start writing the proposal.


I think you can assume people will want such a thing conceptually.

The proposal itself is the devil in the details though.

  • What does the API look like?
  • Can this TH Light not use an external interpreter and instead always use the host platform?
  • What other benefits does it bring?

And sometimes, the best proposal is a working prototype. So you might not be able to avoid hacking on GHC ahead of time. But that hacking will go a long way to acceptance imo. Because it’s a lot harder (but not impossible haha) for people to bikeshed working code to death vs conceptual prose.



  • You could start a discussion right here on the Haskell Discourse, describing your idea and seeking feedback.
  • I think it would not be long before you want an actual document that people can comment on, and that you can successively refine. I often use a Google doc for this. Others use HedgeDoc or some other wiki-like thing.
  • At some point you could then open an issue on the GHC Proposals GitHub, as a home for a more focused discussion, still pointinting to your google doc.
  • After that you could turn it into a Proposal, by making a *pull-request" on the GHC Proposals GitHub.

I strongly urge having a document that describes your design as concretely as possible. Otherwise the danger is that you have long discussions in which everyone talks past each other because there isn’t enough precision.

Happy new year!



I’m afraid you are right there :slight_smile:


That makes sense. Thanks.

I’d be happy to collaborate on something like this, I have also been thinking about it for a long time. I actually have a partially-written proposal which you might find interesting: Pure Template Haskell - Google Docs


That’s great. My concern is not much about IO, but more about the stage restriction and the ability to use code defined in the same file.


I’ve been thinking about something similar to this Pure TH thing recently as well.

I was initially thinking about something similar, but now I think trying to rule out IO is the wrong way to go.

As you mention in your draft proposal, unsafePerformIO still exists. FFI is often another form of hidden IO, and is also very difficult to avoid.

A different form of impurity that isn’t mentioned is being able to access compiler internals by unsafeCoerce-ing into the typechecker monad, eg, Haskell dark arts, part I: importing hidden values.

I think a better approach might be to run TH using the external interpreter inside a container-like environment without networking and only the files it should be able to see. This would disallow access to typechecker internals, as we no longer run in the main process; would disallow most inappropriate uses of IO; and doesn’t require the addition of syntax, or a change to user code.

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Something like that would also be useful for FFI calls purporting to be free of I/O activity - an exception can then be raised if the foreign call attempts surreptitious input or output. To disable this, the offending FFI declaration would have to be annotated e.g. with pseudo or feign. If the likes of unsafePerformIO and unsafeCoerce could then be relegated to annotated FFI declarations, Safe Haskell (or its successor) could then ban all feign/pseudo foreign calls.

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Ideally I would like to be able to write things like

-- A macro 
zipFields :: String -> [String] -> String
zipFields f fields = $((
      intercalate " "  ["($f  ($field a) ($field b))" | field <- fields]

data Point = Point { x :: Double
                   , y :: Double
addPoint :: Point -> Point -> (Double -> Double) -> Point
addPoint a b = Point $((zipFields "(+)" ["x", "y"]))

This is a contrieved example which probably could be writen using Generics
but it shows the type of macro which could be written.

Another simple example is to do calculation at compile time. In

day = 24*60*60

day might be recalculated everytime it is used whereas in

day = $(( 24*60*60 ))

day is calculate at compile time.

The basic idead is to have splices generating a string, instead of an AST (an Exp or Type etc …)
A first pass would extract all slices and execute them (has normal haskell code) and replace them by their result.
The expanded all file would be then be parsed normally

Generating a string to pe parsed vs an AST Exp` has many main advantages.

1- Writing a string is closer to the target code than a expression.
It is easier to write

"(f $a $b)"


AppE (VarE $ mkName "f") (AppE (VarE $ mkName a) (VarE $ mkName b)

The string is just Haskell. The Exp is a new language which need to be learned.
My Exp is probably wrong, which proves the point.

2- An inconvenient of writing an AST is that it exposes the internal of GHC, which are quite complex and break
Template Haskell codes every time something is added to GHC. This especially true for Type declaration.
This problem doesn’t exist with string. If something is added to GHC which doesn’t change the syntax,
no change in the macro are needed.

3- Quasi quoting try to offer a similar interface, but only works if all the terms are knows. Also
it has generates “capture/scoping” issue, does a variable name belongs to generating or generated code ?
With strings, name within string will be resolved later on.

4- To be able to typecheck the AST, a splice needs to have all identifier in scope which means that
a file is compile by section. I believe this problem is called (or related to) “stage restriction”.
Same as 3.

The argument for splices generating an AST is it generates something which typecheck.
The counter argument is the generated macro will be typechecked at the next phase, so it is not a
problem in practice. Another counter argument is people who want “pre-typechsecking” can still use TH.

This is orthogonal to pure/impure Template Haskell but could of course be linked to it.


This is a contrived example that excellently demonstrates the mental stumbling blocks one introduces when trying to do metaprogramming without types. What is the type of zipFields? What is the type of addPoint? The types you’ve written for these two declarations make no sense whatsoever—you clearly didn’t write what you intended, and in the case of zipFields I don’t even know what you might have intended, if you aren’t going to type everything as String. The code snippet that zipFields produces might have some type if interpreted as a stand-alone Haskell expression, but as used in this example it can’t be a stand-alone Haskell expression; it’s a sequence of arguments applied to Point. If your proposed macro system tried to assign a type to that thing—any type—it would be wrong. Unless, as I said, you give up on types entirely and call it a String.

Also, you can get quite close to what you wrote using existing Template Haskell and without engaging at all with any of the AST types other than knowing that the type of a quoted expression is Q Exp: try in the Haskell Playground. TH quotations are very convenient and I think you’d have a hard time demonstrating that untyped strings are so much better than TH quotations to justify a whole new macro system.

To answer your title line (I’ve put in several proposals, even got one accepted – which has gone nowhere): be a member of the Steering Committee. I’ve observed nobody else has a hope of getting a proposal actually all the way through to release.

Come on, this is a misrepresentation.

Scanning the list of proposals marked ‘implemented’, of the first page (25 PRs), 11 were created by users who are not listed as current or former members of the Steering Committee.


Nah, just be willing to implement your proposals once they’re accepted.


Goop point. I was rushing yesterday and made a mistake (I started writing zipPoint then refactored it to zipFields forgot to update the type signature). The type of zipFields is String -> [String] -> String and so can be interpreted as stand-alone.

GHC SC is actually pretty lenient and they accept proposals even if there’s not a full implementation.

You’ll have less luck with base proposals, where CLC requires a full implementation with impact analysis upfront.

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Yes, it can. This perhaps is beside the point of your example but I took the opportunity to write it using my library, product-profunctors, which is a sort of generics library: addPoint product-profunctors · GitHub

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Ah, apologies, I thought I’d seen you saying something about this before and I jumped to conclusions :slight_smile:

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As you mention in your draft proposal, unsafePerformIO still exists. FFI is often another form of hidden IO, and is also very difficult to avoid.

I still think it’s worthwhile. The various unsafe functions let us tell people “unpredictable things may happen if you use these”. So for example, we might say “if you use unsafePerformIO inside a pure splice then the working directory may be unpredictable”. Or “pure splices will not be rerun pessimistically, so your IO actions may get stale”. So even if we can’t truly stop people from doing it, we can (I think reasonably) start assuming they do not and offering weaker guarantees if they do.

To be clear, there are plenty of legitimate usecases for IO in TH, so I don’t want to ban impure splices. I just want them to be special and clearly marked.