What's the general notion of lifting in haskell?

Discussing what’s the appropriate name the function of type MonadError e m => e -> Maybe a -> m a, I said that this doesn’t seems to be a “lifting” operation for me, because we add some new thing to Nothing value (compare with liftEither :: MonadError e m => Either e a -> m a. However, I realized, that don’t understand enough, what’s lfiting is. Does the lifting in haskell (like lift from MonadTrans, liftEither etc.) somehow correspond categorical notion of lifting?

My impression is that Haskell people use “lift” as a natural-language word (i.e., bendable to fit one’s intuition, no matter how misguided).

But I haven’t rigorously checked that any of them cannot fit the factor-through-h definition you found. (I am always surprised that someone can find a contrived, after-the-fact fitting.)

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I’ve always used it for functions that, given two monads M and N, defines the mapping: forall x. M x -> N x (so a natural transformation).

The function you are considering with the type MonadError e m => e -> Maybe a -> m a is isomorphic to MonadError e m => M e a -> m a where data M e a = M e (Maybe a). The question then is whether this M e is a monad. I think it is if e is a monoid:

instance Monoid e => Functor (M e) where
  fmap = liftM
instance Monoid e => Applicative (M e) where
  pure x = M mempty (Just x)
  (<*>) = ap
instance Monad M where
  M e Nothing >>= _ = M e Nothing
  M e (Just x) >>= k =
    case k x of
      M e' (Just y) -> M (e <> e') (Just y)
      M e' Nothing -> M (e <> e') Nothing

The only thing left is to prove the monad laws. I believe that is indeed the case, but I have no formal proof.

In conclusion, I’d say it would be a lifting operation if you add the Monoid e constraint.

I don’t think there’s any formal definition of “lift” in the general sense, but most examples of functions named “lift” or “lift-something” seem to follow the pattern of converting some action or function to an equivalent action or function that involves additional context, usually in the form of adding some * -> * type variable, constrainted to something like Functor, Monad, MonadTrans, or similar. Just check out a quick Hoogle search for “lift”, and see if you can intuit the common pattern from it.