Why are Partial Functions so prevalent in Prelude?


Why does the Prelude seem unsafe - or rather why does the Prelude seem less safe than it should be?

Some context - I’ve been learning Haskell over the past few weeks and overall I’ve really enjoyed the expressiveness of the language as well as the concept and implementation of Type Classes and constrained polymorphism in particular.

However, since I’ve had the opportunity to be exposed to algebraic data types, parametric polymorphism, etc. in other languages; and more importantly - sane, logical, and safe ways to handle functions that can cause an application to crash (specifically Rust’s notions of panic, Result, and Option). It confuses me why Prelude contains so many functions that may cause an application to crash.

I’m of course talking about partial functions. What’s confusing (and frustrating) is not necessarily that partial functions exist (that’s a given) but rather how they’re handled (inconsistently) and documented (relatively poorly).

I’m currently using the haskell-language-server as well as this list from the wiki as my primary sources as to what functions should be “avoided”.

Now I know that comparing rust and Haskell isn’t always a logical comparison seeing as the two languages have vastly different objectives but the error handling story should be very similar IMO. Why doesn’t Haskell have the following:

  1. Safe variants for all partial functions in the standard library (prelude / base) that return Maybe. Ideally the safe variants should be the default and the unsafe variants should have a longer, idiomatic, name that indicates the fact that they’re unsafe.
  2. Consistent doc comments for all unsafe functions (partial functions) in the standard library. What I mean by this - if you look into the documentation for the functions listed in the above partial function list not all of them have a mention of their partial (unsafe) nature in the documentation. On top of that some of the functions have GHC.Stack.Types.HasCallStack as a constraint that might indicate their erroneous behaviour… but not all of them. The only somewhat consistent approach to identifying partial functions has been HLS’ STAN hints which help greatly by leaving annoying hints throughout my code that indicate which functions are partial.

On top of partial functions there’s also the matter of non-exhaustive pattern matching rearing its head at runtime as opposed to at compile time (yes I know about -Wall). And I hate to keep making the comparison to rust but the rust compiler simply won’t allow you to write non exhaustive patterns.

Between partial functions, inconsistent documentation, lack of Maybe producing variants of certain functions, and pattern matching - I unfortunately see a pattern of what I would personally consider IMHO as bad defaults for the language (or perhaps the GHC compiler).

Overall I feel that Haskell is the closest to what I would consider my ideal language. Which is why it both confuses and frustrates me that the language does such a fantastic job of tricking me into believing that it’s safe with it’s beautiful, elegant, sophisticated type system and syntax. Especially when these are not insurmountable problems (at least according to my flawed and very limited understanding of language design).

P.S. I’ve heard of potential language extensions that can be added as well as libraries that can be added to address these issues. If someone could point me in the right direction I’d love to try these out (hopefully they play well with HLS).

P.P.S. Sorry if this comes across as ranty but I’m genuinely confused as well as new to Haskell. Perhaps there are solid, logical, pragmatic reasons as to why things are the way that they are and I simply lack the context to form an educated opinion. I would genuinely love for someone to provide counter arguments and / or historical reasoning as to why things are the way that they are.


Hello @Helgard,

I will let other, more knowledgeable people illustrate the historical reasons behind partial functions in the Prelude. Meanwhile, I am sure you will be interested in this CLC ticket. It deals with adding warnings to partial function in Data.List; there are various compelling comments on both side of the debate. The proposal was accepted.

I know no serious project which doesn’t use -Wall. It is a default when you use cabal to initialise a new package, and godsent in day-to-day coding.

if you look into the documentation for the functions listed in the above partial function list not all of them have a mention of their partial (unsafe) nature in the documentation.

Which one from the Prelude/standard library lacks a this-function-is-non-total warning?

However, since I’ve had the opportunity to be exposed to algebraic data types, parametric polymorphism, etc. in other languages; and more importantly - sane, logical, and safe ways to handle functions that can cause an application to crash.

If you haven’t read it already, I am sure you will like Parse, don’t validate, another great article on type-driven development.


All the ones that are only partial for infinite lists, it seems. length does have one example that shows it fails on infinite lists but filter has no mention of partiality at all.


Some of the Enum type class operations I think? Unless the errors that those functions create are some other category of issue? e.g. use succ on True. or pred on False. Also minimum from Foldable on an empty list, etc. I’m sure there’s much more that I can’t conjure from the top of my head.

My main gripe here is that there is no idiomatic way to deal with this (again please correct me if I’m wrong). For instance, as a newcomer to the language, I see someone in some tutorial demonstrating head and tail. Fantastic! I can see the use in those functions and I have a slightly better understanding of Haskell. But oh wait, no you should never use tail and head because of their partial nature. At least not without NonEmpty! It just seems like an unnecessary / poorly thought out foot gun IMO.

Thanks for the article. That was an interesting read for sure. I agree that when possible the burden imposed by partial functions should be addressed ahead of time (parsing as the author would describe it) as opposed to down the line. However I don’t really agree with their example specifically, seems a bit. contrived IMO. I only say this because I’ve worked with the “validating” approach in rust before with Result and Option and it’s very easy given the primitives that rust provides to deal with those types.

My overall impression from the Github issue you linked as well as some other posts I’ve seen elsewhere is that there are multiple functions that are included in the Prelude that people believe shouldn’t be included in the Prelude (head and tail being the most common). IMO I don’t think these functions should be deprecated and removed but rather that these functions have more competent variants built into the “standard library” of Haskell.

For instance, why not make a variant of head that only take NonEmpty? As well as a variant that produces Maybe (something that could dynamically switch between the two depending on context would be amazing but perhaps not sound in Haskell).

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In defense of filter and its ilk, while this is technically partial I think there’s a meaningful distinction to be drawn between you-forgot-a-case partial and next-result-can-require-an-unlimited-number-of-reductions partial.

The Data.List.NonEmpty module (included in base) contains some of these total variants for NonEmpty, and the safe package contains a larger number of variants for other types. The primary barrier to adopting safe in the core libraries is probably social; see a recent discussion about the names currently being considered for these functions in a small corner of the standard libraries, which are not the names used by the safe package.


Thanks for linking safe! I’m definitely going to check that out. I do wish it was baked into the language but that library seems of high quality.

Why are partial functions so prevalent in Prelude?

The designing of Haskell commenced in 1987, with the first Report being published in 1990 (if you’re interested in learning some more about the origins of Haskell, read A History or Haskell). So Haskell is a language with a 30+ year-old design, and which ought to to explain your (reasonable) list of observations:

  • partial functions
  • inconsistent documentation
  • lack of Maybe producing variants of certain functions
  • and incomplete pattern matching
  • (…amongst others)

As described here:

…merely upgrading GHC alone to or past 9.8 (with the partiality warnings for head and tail) can now cause problems. Trying to apply more recent techniques to older code continues to be a fraught exercise.

Overall I feel that Haskell is the closest to what I would consider my ideal language. Which is why it both confuses and frustrates me that the language does such a fantastic job of tricking me into believing that it’s safe with it’s beautiful, elegant, sophisticated type system and syntax.

well done! I don’t think I’ve ever thought about Haskell quite like that before - the only critiques I can think of which are (somewhat) similar were about Haskell’s current I/O model (which is a topic for a separate thread).


“This function is non-total and will raise a runtime exception if the structure happens to be empty.”, same with pred/succ.

I do not ask to be snarky. If functions are non-total, it should be written in the documentation or the examples coming with the function. I would consider it a bug if they are not clearly marked as such.

I see many people wrote — good! — answers to your question but I want to stress this one: “parsing” over “validating” is something that Haskell is very good at and should be taken advantage of when possible (alas it is not always possible).
It is what makes refactoring — along with a modicum of testing — a pleasure and not feeling you are fighting against a giant squid. Also improvers documentation greatly (documentation that will never go stale).

I am happy that you are learning Haskell, new ideas and perspectives make the community better.


I don’t think you can draw a meaningful distinction, consider this definition of head:

head (x:_) = x
head xs = head xs

Surely this falls under the “result-can-require-an-unlimited-number-of-reductions” (I’ve left out the “next” part because that also doesn’t hold for length, or are you saying we should draw the line between length and filter?).

Like I responded in that thread: this is not new or unique to the head and tail warnings. GHC does not give guarantees about which warnings it generates across compiler versions. So using -Werror means opting into potential breakage every new GHC version.

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I genuinely don’t see this documentation for pred and succ (this is important for when you’re actively coding and peek at the doc comment for a function via either hover on VS Code or the equivalent in vim/neovim). If I go specifically to the Enum documentation then the Enum class documentation itself mentions runtime errors - but not the individual members. For instance, if I hover over succ in my editor I get the following:

succ :: forall a. Enum a => a -> a

the successor of a value. For numeric types, succ adds 1.

_ :: Bool -> Bool

_ :: forall a. Enum a => a -> a

For minimum you are 100% correct I didn’t spot where in the doc comment for the function itself what causes a runtime exception. Also, for some reason HLS didn’t show me the WARNING tag until I applied the function to something, not sure why.

Don’t worry, I didn’t perceive any of your comments so far as being snarky :slight_smile:

I agree for the most part. Like I stated earlier I definitely agree that parsing upfront is better than validating down the line. I just wish the aforementioned partial functions either forced the user to take either a parsing or validating approach or were more clear in their unsafe nature.

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I do categorize head xs = head xs as a different sort of thing than length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs, yeah. I don’t know exactly what terms I’d use to describe the distinction, but some relevant differences:

  • The head clause doesn’t dissect its input data at all, whereas when the length clause recurses it does so on a subterm.
  • The head clause doesn’t embed its recursive call under any other application, whereas the length clause embeds its own recursive call under +. This is maybe only relevant if the position of the recursion isn’t strict, as is the case with filter. (This is what I was trying to suggest with ‘next-’.)
  • The head clause is trivial; the LHS and the RHS are identical, so if it ever gets invoked it’s necessarily a black hole. I almost expect GHC to replace it with something that crashes with <<loop>> the same way that dereferencing x = x does.

I imagine there’s something that a brainier person could say about recursion schemes and data and codata that synthesizes these differences nicely, but I’m not that person.


Like I responded in that thread: this is not new or unique to the head and tail warnings.

…I’ll rephrase my previous statement:

…therein lies another problem: what if the data you’re intending to parse or validate is from a source outside the program?

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Thanks @Helgard, for comparison how do other languages handle things like the below, and would you consider those as deviant operations that ought to be addressed? (Or at least documented.)

  • Divide by zero;
  • Numeric over/underflow on fixed width Int;
  • including overflow on Summing a List or other big-but-not-quite-infinite data structure.

Well yeah – in all programming languages since forever. And I’m not seeing why Prelude functions deserve special treatment when users can readily write any number of dodgy functions for themselves.

It’s great there are safe versions of Prelude functions for people who want high assurance, but making those the default would significantly degrade the learner’s experience, I think.

Or taking examples from intro texts are also likely to generate warnings in 9.8. I find it only annoying. (I suspect learners might write their own versions of head, tail, etc – just to avoid the warnings. Which’ll perhaps land them in a worse position than using Prelude functions.)

These are all documented (the 3rd indirectly via the 2nd).

Numeric operators are a good example of the tension between safety and ergonomics. On the one hand, I would love to statically know that I don’t have any over/underflow or division by zero. On the other hand, there aren’t any good solutions for base, which needs to serve a wide variety of operations.

  1. Returning Maybe is pretty clearly a non-starter in most situations as numeric operations often happen deep in your (pure) callstack where the notion of “failure” is nonsensical. Having all functions return Maybe isn’t helpful, and the performance degradation is likely unacceptable.

  2. Restricting the domain is better, but it needs to be reasonably ergonomic. You can get away with the refined library in simple cases, but it is not flexible enough to serve as a base for your operations because you cannot manipulate proofs.

Thankfully, there does exist an ergonomic solution for much of List’s unsafety: NonEmpty. This works well because the single “input is non-empty” invariant fixes many issues, so we can safely rebuild List’s API for NonEmpty without cheating or having to manipulate proofs.

This is not the case for numeric operators because even if you start with an n with some proof p, you often need to then prove q. Haskell just can’t do this at the moment. You need dependent types.

So my answer to the question

Why should we care about head when div exists?

is, I think, cost/benefit ratio. The cost of fixing an unsafe usage of List is often low, and the benefit can be very high (read: how many hours have we all lost debugging *** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list?).

The cost of fixing numeric unsafety, however, is very high, certainly too high to be entertained in base. Though I am hopeful that this cost may come down in the future :slight_smile: .

Incidentally, I would love to see a way to at least detect over/underflow at runtime (e.g. gcc’s -ftrapv).

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But are dependent types by themselves enough?

example1 :: Integer
example1 = 1 `div` (let n = negate n in n)

example2 :: (String -> Integer) -> IO Integer
example2 readZ = (\ n -> div 1 n) . readZ <$> getLine

For dependent types to always be useful for making proofs, totality is essential to prevent ⊥ from being one of the expressions used to define a dependent type. But even Agda, a frequently-presented exemplar of total programming, sometimes requires partiality:

example2 : (String → ℤ) → IO ℤ
example2 readZ = (λ x → 1 / n) ∘ readZ <$> getLine

So unless there’s some major advance in programming-language semantics, a future Haskell will be partial and dependently-typed: that ought to be an “interesting” combination…

I’ll give my newbie perspective.

I too, got a bit of an “allergic” reaction when I first stumbled upon partial functions in Haskell. That’s because I came from Elm, that showed me that I could express programs in a disciplined way, to avoid runtime errors.

However, I since found that there are rare cases where partial functions are useful, and not having them would be a hindrance.

Example 1:

See this algorithm that wants to extract the first and last item of a list in a flip-flop fashion, while still keeping things performant considering the usage of linked lists under the hood.

{- |

>>> arrange []

>>> arrange [1]

>>> arrange [1,2]

>>> arrange [1,2,3]

>>> arrange [1,2,3,4]

>>> arrange [1,2,3,4,5]

>>> arrange [1,2,3,4,5,6]
arrange :: [a] -> [a]
arrange lst = aux lst (reverse lst) (length lst)
    aux fwd bwd len
        | len == 0 = []
        | len == 1 = [head fwd]
        | otherwise = head fwd : head bwd : aux (tail bwd) (tail fwd) (len - 2)

I found this algorithm really cool. While I did find a way to express the same computation without using unsafe functions, if you look at it you have to ask yourself “What’s wrong with it?”.

Well, I don’t think there’s anything “wrong” with it, I think we may have simply reached the limit of a type system.

Example 2:

So you probably know about the function fold, but how about its twin brother unfold, that instead generates a list.

As you can see below, I re-implemented map with unfold + using unsafe/partial functions.

{- |

>>> map' f = unfold null (f . head) tail
>>> map' toUpper "mapping"
unfold :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a) -> a -> [b]
unfold test h t x
    | test x = []
    | otherwise = h x : unfold test h t (t x)

Is the concept of unfolding unsound? Again, I feel here we’re reaching the limit of the type system. Which is something I’ve been wondering about (what does expressing computation with partial functions actually mean?).

So, to sum up, I think partial functions are ok/useful but in closing:

With great power comes great responsibility

Anyhow, hope that helps :laughing:


According to one Conor McBride, it means working in an implicit monadic context:

You might be interested to know that Data.List defines unfoldr:

unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
unfoldr f b0 = build (\c n ->
  let go b = case f b of
               Just (a, new_b) -> a `c` go new_b
               Nothing         -> n
  in go b0)

…which happens to rely on a partial function (but using Maybe a).

It doesn’t come across as ranty at all to me. I think it’s a very understandable issue to raise.

Because Haskell was created 35 years ago, long before people understood that one of its major benefits would be “safety”. Rust and Elm are much newer so they were able to start with this notion of safety in mind.

There’s nothing to stop Haskell providing better documentation, or safe variants of these unsafe Prelude functions, except the time and energy costs of the person doing the work.




As you progress through the language you will find that the problem of unsafe functions is a relatively benign one, as functions cannot return values they were never given. As long as you think about what you’re writing, your chances of falling into one of these traps is near zero. The number of such unsafe functions is pleasantly small as well.

A big part of the base issue, as has been noted, is simply the fact that GHC has not yet figured out versioning, so functions tend to stick around forever in the name of backwards compatibility. This is simply the unfortunate reality of the language and it is guaranteed to not change within the next few years.

That article is more about keeping all of your state proper instead of checking it, throwing an error and then later on assuming the state isn’t garbage. It will make much more sense once you get acquainted with the local parsing ecosystem, the horrors are just around the corner.

To rule out many of the most common errors that are being discussed in this thread? Yes.

Of course Haskell has no totality checker, so we cannot rule out everything. But that’s fine. Even total languages like Agda and Idris have ways to disable the checker.