module Main where
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap, guard, MonadPlus, mzero, mplus,)
import Formatting.ShortFormatters (x)
newtype MyLastBrainCells m a = MyLastBrainCells { idea:: m (Maybe a)}
instance Monad m => Applicative (MyLastBrainCells m) where
pure = MyLastBrainCells . return . Just
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad m => Functor (MyLastBrainCells m) where
fmap = liftM
instance Monad m => Monad (MyLastBrainCells m) where
x >>= f = MyLastBrainCells $ do val <- idea x
case val of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> idea $ f v
return = pure
instance Monad m => Alternative (MyLastBrainCells m) where
empty = MyLastBrainCells $ return Nothing
x <|> y = MyLastBrainCells $ do maybe_value <- idea x
case maybe_value of
Nothing -> idea y
Just _ -> return maybe_value
thinkAboutHaskell :: String -> IO (MyLastBrainCells IO String)
thinkAboutHaskell x = do
s <- randomRIO (1, 10::Int)
guard (s < 5)
return (pure x)
explain :: MyLastBrainCells IO String -> IO ()
explain m = do
thought <- idea m
case thought of
Nothing -> putStrLn "GAHH my braain."
Just x -> putStrLn x
main :: IO ()
main = do
thinkAboutHaskell "Haskell is such a hard language"
>>= explain
There is a 50% chance that an alternative message pops up, however, it seems the triggering of guard check causes a:
haskell-playground.EXE: user error (mzero)
but if I switch the guard to an if-then-else statement, the error no longer occurs!
thinkAboutHaskell :: String -> IO (MyLastBrainCells IO String)
thinkAboutHaskell x = do
s <- randomRIO (1, 10::Int)
if s < 5 then
return empty
return (pure x)
It seems that folks say that guard is equal to an if-then-else statement. There does not appear to be any type check issues either with the compiler working without errors. What could be causing the problem? I am using GHC 9.6.6, Cabal, and Stack 3.1.1 on Windows.
I have tried implementing MonadPlus as well as MonadTrans according to the tutorial but no change in behavior.
Ah! That makes sense @jaror. The nested monads had me for a spin.
I think I was trying to trigger the guard from the Alternative defined for my custom data type. Is there a way to invoke that guard something like pure (guard x < 5) instead? Or would the if statement be my only way?
But you probably just want to write a MonadIO instance for your transformer instead. Then you could write your program like this:
thinkAboutHaskell :: String -> MyLastBrainCells IO String
thinkAboutHaskell x = do
s <- liftIO (randomRIO (1, 10::Int))
guard (s < 5)
return x
explain :: Maybe String -> IO ()
explain thought = do
case thought of
Nothing -> putStrLn "GAHH my braain."
Just x -> putStrLn x
main :: IO ()
main = do
idea (thinkAboutHaskell "Haskell is such a hard language")
>>= explain
guard is a particular embedding of the Boolean values into any Alternative functor. There is also Control.Monad.when which in an imperative language corresponds to an if-then statement with an empty else {} branch. In contrast to guard, the when itself does not rely on empty and thus can not trigger IO errors.
Also note that in your original version, in the line guard (s < 5) the guard lives in the IO monad, not in your transformer.
randInt :: MyLastBrainCells IO Int
randInt = MyLastBrainCells $ fmap Just $ randomRIO (1, 10::Int)
then you can define
thinkAboutHaskell :: s -> MyLastBrainCells IO s
thinkAboutHaskell s = do
i <- randInt
when (i < 5) empty
return s
-- equivalent: if i < 5 empty else return s
In your transformer, the empty is like exception throwing, only that the exception is not an IO exception but a Nothing. But it can abort computations just like you would expect in imperative code: Since your transformer obeys the left zero law empty >>= _ = empty, desugaring the do-notation one can see that despite the return s statement at the end of the do-block, the when can cause the function to return Nothing instead of the given message s.
The approaches are of course equivalent: randInt spells out what liftIO (randomRIO (1, 10::Int)) would amount to, given the appropriate MonadIO instance.
I am having a huge woah moment here now that I’ve read into the liftIO monad. Perhaps folks here may know more info and put into words what I am realizing…
So if I am understanding how Monad transformation occurs, we could in theory have liftIO-like functions defined for each Monad in a stack by instancing them with a common Monad-like type. Then we can always map layers of Monads into a simplified form (assuming these Monads behave like MonadIO or something trivial.)
I am having trouble defining what “simplified” means here, but something about the intuition that we don’t lose any information that couldn’t have been captured using the equivalent Monad stack for a given data type.
I also assume that MonadIO-like is something like a Monad that does not interact with other Monads (e.g. independent) and probably adheres to MonadIO’s instances.
For example, assume we have MonadA, MonadB, and MonadC each defined with instances with their own lift variant such that:
MonadA has liftA, liftB, liftC defined.
MonadB has liftB, liftC defined,
MonadC has liftC defined
Then the following Monad types defined are equivalent (and infinitely more):
[A, B, C]
[A, B, A, B, C, C]
[C, C, A, B, A, B, C]
As long as A, B, C appears as the base ordering, then lifting can always guarantee the same result. Subsequently, the Monad stack [C, A, B] does not equal in this case as the Monads are not in the right base order.
Am I onto some property of Monads or am I overthinking this?
Not necessary. Monad transformer machinery consists of two separate packages and concepts. There is the transformers package defining the concrete transformer data types, like your MyLastBrainCells is one. As you correctly observed, in order to use the functionality of transformer B buried beneath a layer A, the outer transformer A must provide a liftB function.
But that quickly becomes unwieldy. Therefore the mtl package provides for each transformer T a MonadT class, whose primary purpose is to automatically select the correct chain of liftB functions to bubble the B functionality through an arbitrarily thick layer of other transformers to the surface. The instances to lift B through A is therefore of the form
instance MonadB m => MonadB (A m) where
methodB = ... liftB ...
The MonadIO class does the same for IO actions: While the transformer A is itself not capable of doing IO, it should know how to hand this capability one layer up.
A drawback of this concept is that, when you want a number of N monad transformers to play nicely together, you must define up to N² lift functions. Luckily many can be implemented using more generic lift functions, but the combinatorical explosion is there.