Hello everyone,
Below are the minutes from the Haskell Foundation Working Group meeting of 4 December 2020.
If you are interested in the protocol by which these minutes are produced and ratified, do note that the transparency task force will have a meeting next Monday (10:00 EST). Please do come!
- Ben
Haskell Foundation Working Group minutes (4 Dec 2020)
Present: Ben Gamari, Emily Pillmore, Richard Eisenberg, Davean
Scies, Dan Burton, Simon Peyton Jones, Alexander Bernauer, Tim Sears,
Wendy Devolder, Ian Connolly, Alex Grcol, Dmitrii Kovanikov, Gabriele
Keller, Jasper Van der Jeugt, Moritz Angermann, Rebecca Skinner, Ryan
Trinkle, Stephanie Weirich, Veronika Romashkina, Mathieu Boespflug
- Alexander Bernauer
- Wendy Devolder: Founder of Skills Matter
- Veronika Romashkina
Veronika will coordinate to remind the community of the on-going board
call for applications
Executive director (Simon PJ)
- Executive director job description agreed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CGFLdyuxeldEetp2RB\_qi1VXWPVgxi12Hgubb5lZMAU/edit?usp=sharing
- Next step: advertise for opening
- Rebecca: To add JD to website and add URL here when available.
- Volunteers:
- The Haskell Foundation is seeking an Executive Director. Please find the job description here: https://haskell.foundation/ed-job-description/
- The Haskell Foundation (HF) is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to driving Haskell adoption and open-source development.
- HF seeks a full-time Executive Director (ED) to lead and develop the organization going forward. The ED is responsible for furthering the HF’s mission and vision, ensuring that resources are in place to accomplish its goals. The HF is supported by an active group of volunteers, and the ED will be a key focal point for that community, in addition to hiring support staff.
- This is a salaried position. Salary will be commensurate with the experience, qualities, and location of the individual, and will also reflect the Foundation’s status as a non-profit organisation funded by donations.
- Still needed: Draft text for advertisement (Tim and Emily will handle) — Subject (header) and body. Most social medias have a header (short one-line) and description (ideally no longer than 260 characters + link to fit in Twitter)
- Job description will go on the website (Rebecca will handle by close of play today, and add the URL to these minutes)
Communications (Simon)
- Discussed by interim board
- Agreed to use Discourse: https://discourse.haskell.org/c/haskell-foundation/11
- Working group sub-category with limited write access: https://discourse.haskell.org/c/haskell-foundation/working-group/
- This is where public business will take place
- All working group members should subscribe
- Meeting minutes:
- Will be posted to Discourse one week after the meeting takes place
- Richard: Ideally the calendar would be public, meetings streamed (maybe with a limited access to unmuting), minutes posted after the fact
Working group (Simon)
- Remit: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10e_UnTzr3xrwJyoET2RKZHcfLLQiaYkgNvVoi6kMX-A
- Many people have already added their names to the working group participant list
- Track members should add their names and describe the goals of their track
- Wendy: Proposes “Community track”:
- Focus on fostering social infrastructure and community
engagement - Diverse membership: Beginners, seasoned users alike
- Richard: Perhaps a paid community manager would be
worthwhile? - Generally positive response
- Move forward
- Focus on fostering social infrastructure and community
- Transparency track
- Emily and Michael Snoyman will work on this, perhaps with
- Emily and Michael Snoyman will work on this, perhaps with
- Working group needs a chair:
- At the invitation of the Interim Board Emily will fill this
role (thank you Emily)
- At the invitation of the Interim Board Emily will fill this
Funding (Emily):
- IOHK is closed
- Well-Typed, Tweag, Obsidian pending
- Follow-up needed from Flipstone, ?
- GitHub moving ahead
- *Juspay * offered to contribute 100kUSD (hooray!)
- Things looking good! Just need to close more.
Incorporation (Ryan Trinkle)
- Still waiting on the gears of bureaucracy for 501c.3
- On hiatus
- https://github.com/haskellfoundation/haskell.foundation
- Existing site was meant to be temporary
- Obsidian working on a hakyll rewrite
- Nearing completion early next week
- To dos for existing site:
- Vision statement (under “who we are”)
- ED job statement
- Public Calendar (probably not on this site, perhaps this should just be a Google Calendar)
- Requirement? Blog