Yolc is for programming Ethereum using Haskell as an EDSL. Specifically, it uses GHC 9.10.
To spare you details related to Ethereum, I simply sharing its complete introduction blog post for the Ethereum community angle of the Yolc project here should you find it relevant to you after all.
As a Haskell fan, I have more to say about Yolc for the Haskell community, here are couple of highlights of it:
Category Based
First, the EDSL (called YulDSL) used in Yolc is category-based, namely a big GADT that has these categories defined:
data YulCat (eff :: k) a b where
-- ...
-- ** Category
YulId :: forall eff a. YulO2 a a => YulCat eff a a
YulComp :: forall eff a b c. YulO3 a b c => YulCat eff c b %1-> YulCat eff a c %1-> YulCat eff a b
-- ** Monoidal Category
YulProd :: forall eff a b c d. YulO4 a b c d => YulCat eff a b %1-> YulCat eff c d %1-> YulCat eff (a, c) (b, d)
YulSwap :: forall eff a b. YulO2 a b => YulCat eff (a, b) (b, a)
-- ** Cartesian Category
YulFork :: forall eff a b c. YulO3 a b c => YulCat eff a b %1-> YulCat eff a c %1-> YulCat eff a (b, c)
YulExl :: forall eff a b. YulO2 a b => YulCat eff (a, b) a
YulExr :: forall eff a b. YulO2 a b => YulCat eff (a, b) b
YulDis :: forall eff a. YulO1 a => YulCat eff a ()
YulDup :: forall eff a. YulO1 a => YulCat eff a (a, a)
-- ...
Every constructor of this type is a morphism from type a
to b
, tagged with a type “eff” used for some special purpose explained later.
Conversion between SMC to LinearTypes
Now that YulCat is a symmetric monoidal category (SMC), using linear-smc package, one can convert between linear functions and YuLCat:
Namely, there are two functions from linear-smc:
encode :: {-<-} (O3 k r a b, TensorClosed con, con ~ Obj k)
=> {->-} (a `k` b) -> (P k r a ⊸ P k r b)
decode :: {-<-} forall a b k con.
(con (), con ~ Obj k, Monoidal k, con a, con b, (forall α β. (con α, con β) => con (α,β)))
=> {->-} (forall r. {-<-}Obj k r => {->-} P k r a ⊸ P k r b) -> (a `k` b)
The above code may look very scary, but if you remove the noisy constraints and use the notion of “↝” to mean a morphism in the category of “k”, then we have:
P k r a ⊸ P k r b ≅ a ↝ b
P is also called “port API” provided by the linear-smc package. It provides a way to get the linear lambda you can program with from a morphism (in the case of YulDSL, any of its constructors.)
Linearly Versioned Monad
The “kick” in the end is that I experimented with a (sort of) monad called “linearly versioned monad” (LVM) that can work with these linearly-typed “ports” and attach a version to each port.
The idea of data versioning is specifically applicable to the Ethereum domain since the system’s state evolves linearly. Using outdated data often leads to security vulnerabilities and results in countless financial losses.
The following code is the signature of the QualifiedDo “bind” operator for the LVM:
-- | Linear versioned monad (LVM) is a parameterized reader monad with linear safety.
newtype LVM ctx (va :: Nat) (vb :: Nat) a = MkLVM (ctx ⊸ (Dict (va <= vb), ctx, a))
-- | Monad bind operator for 'LVM', working with the QualifiedDo syntax.
-- (It conforms to the) usual _Law of Monad_
-- ... omitted ...
-- 1) Law of linearly versioned monad: @ ma [va <= vb] >>= mb [vb <= vc] ≡ mc [va <= vc] @
(>>=) :: forall ctx va vb vc a b. ()
=> LVM ctx va vb a ⊸ (a ⊸ LVM ctx vb vc b) ⊸ LVM ctx va vc b
Note that va
, vb
, vc
above are Nat
typed version numbers. And the LVM type carries a Dict/proof that va <= vb
Here is an example of correct code:
\account'p mintAmount'p -> LVM.do
-- fetch balance of the account
(account'p, balanceBefore) <- pass account'p balance_of
-- use linear port (naming convention, "*'p") values safely
(account'p, mintAmount'p) <- passN_ (account'p, mintAmount'p) \(account'p, mintAmount'p) ->
-- 🟢 update balance
sput (balance_ref_of account'p) (balanceBefore + ver'l mintAmount'p)
-- 🟢 call unsafe external contract onTokenMinted
externalCall onTokenMinted (ver'l account'p) (ver'l mintAmount'p)
The line of “sput” is a storage effect monad that increases the version number by 1.
If we swap the order of the code, it won’t compile because the data version numbers are mismatched:
-- fetch balance of the account
(account'p, balanceBefore) <- pass account'p balance_of
-- use linear port (naming convention, "*'p") values safely
(account'p, mintAmount'p) <- passN_ (account'p, mintAmount'p) \(account'p, mintAmount'p) ->
-- ⚠️ call unsafe external contract onTokenMinted
externalCall onTokenMinted (ver'l account'p) (ver'l mintAmount'p)
-- ⚠️ update balance, but using out dated "balanceBefore value" will fail to compile
sput (balance_ref_of account'p) (balanceBefore + ver'l mintAmount'p)
Data versioning eliminates a vulnerability that has caused damage in the real world many times, and I believe that linear types help eliminate a class of errors related to using outdated information.
It’s been quite an effort for me to get the first technical review version out, but I plan to continue to get it to feature-parity with Solidity by Q1/2025.
Please consider following the progress of my further work at linktr.ee/yolc, and more importantly, happy Haskelling.