Becoming a Hackage uploader

Hi all,

  • I’m trying to upload my first package, an abstract syntax tree for static code analysis.
  • I wrote an email to back in April, but didn’t get any reply.
  • Maybe some Haskell trustee here can take a look at my package and help me publish it?
  • Here is a print-screen of the haddock description of the package - I will gladly answer any question about the package.
  • Thanks !


Hello Oren, Hackage people usually answer within hours or days, not weeks or months.

Maybe try using the Register a new account form?

If that fails, contact them via Matrix/IRC or email.

@OrenGitHub what’s your Hackage username? You can ask people to endorse your account by providing a link like Endorse user | Hackage, but for your user.

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@Bodigrim thanks ! here it is: Endorse user | Hackage
I wrote to the trustees again, and they replied, so I hope they will evaluate the request soon.


What a lovely (and hidden) feature.