My dahastes.cabal:
executable dahastes
import: common-options
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
, dahastes
, turtle
, text
, foldl
, extra
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
I’ve been trying this:
!?master ~/spaces/haskell/dahastes> cabal install exe:dahastes --installdir="~/.local/bin"
Wrote tarball sdist to
Resolving dependencies...
Symlinking 'dahastes' to '~/.local/bin/dahastes'
!?master ~/spaces/haskell/dahastes> ls
'~' app bench BUILDME.md cabal.project CHANGELOG.md dahastes.cabal dist-newstyle flake.lock flake.nix hie.yaml LICENSE README.md src test
!?master ~/spaces/haskell/dahastes> ls '~'
!?master ~/spaces/haskell/dahastes> rm -rf '~'
Looks almost sensible, but I’ve got two problems:
- No symlink in
. No real surprise: I expected a binary in ~/.local/bin
, and was promised a symlink to ~/.local/bin
, God knows where.
- It created an empty
directory in my project directory, which looks suspicious to me.
I hope my intention is clear: install a project executive to a common bin directory. What am I doing wrong?
I don’t think you are doing anything wrong, this simply looks like a bug.
Perhaps you could report this as a ticket in the cabal github issue tracker? No need to change the text, it is good as is.
Sounds incredible. I guess people install their binaries all the time, but another way. How, I wonder 
In case you wonder the absolute path does work: cabal install ... --installdir=/home/<user>/.local/bin
I can reproduce it, but In my computer the ‘~’ isnt empty. You have to list all folders
> ls -a \~
. .. .local
My gues is that cabal
uses the current dir if no absolute path is passed to --installdir
Notice installdir
defaults to ~/.local/bin
so you can just run cabal install exe:dahastes
. Also, if you want the binary instead of a symlink
# by default cabal wont overwrite a binary/symlink if one already exist.
cabal install exe:dahastes --install-method=copy --overwrite-policy=always
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Thank you very much!
Absolute path, yes… While awaiting the answer, I figured out on my own:
cabal install exe:dahastes --installdir=${HOME}/.local/bin
This is not a bug.
Tilde expansion is done by the shell: Shell Command Language
If you quote (like OP did), it’s not supposed to be expanded. A tilde infix is also not supposed to be expanded (--foo=~/tmp
is infix tilde).
Programs are not supposed to interpret tilde.
To reproduce, create Main.hs
module Main where
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
getArgs >>= print
Compile it: ghc Main.hs
Then run:
$ ./Main ~/tmp
$ ./Main "~/tmp"
$ ./Main '~/tmp'
$ ./Main --foo=~/tmp
$ ./Main --foo="~/tmp"
So this works fine:
cabal install --installdir ~/.local/bin --overwrite-policy=always --install-method=copy darcs
Thanks @hasufell, that is a useful explanation.
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I always just build
and then get the executable from the build directory 
(I mainly use stack build
, which also builds binaries. Not sure if cabal build
does the same, but I expect it would?)