CLC Update (July 2023)

As part of my Core Libraries Committee (CLC) involvement, I committed to writing monthly CLC updates.

Previous update:

All CLC work is done by volunteers in their free time.

:gem: Featured discussion

The results of CLC and GHC committees collaboration on the base split are now captured in the following HF tech proposal (still under active discussion):

:new: New

List of newly opened proposals since the last update.

:white_check_mark: Approved

List of approved proposals since the last update.

:no_entry_sign: Declined

List of rejected proposals since the last update.


:arrow_down_small: Withdrawn

List of proposals withdrawn voluntarily by their authors.

:desert: Abandoned or :zzz: Dormant

List of abandoned proposals due to lack of progress from the proposal author.

:globe_with_meridians: Meta

List of CLC process updates and meta improvements.

Feel free to share any feedback on these updates! Do you like the format? Do you like the granularity? Anything else :slightly_smiling_face: