Considering that I am halfway through setting up a object-storage-based Hackage mirror with hackage-mirror-tool, I know very little about how Hackage actually works. There’s a… tarball? Or two tarballs? They contain… metadata? Or the actual contents of Hackage?
…Ok, I downloaded one (, and it contains all the Cabal files of packages on Hackage? Oh, but there are package.json files, too…
Aha, I’ve found some overview in the hackage-security README.
Does any other documentation of Hackage’s architecture exist somewhere?
Ah, now I’ve found another description of the architecture, though it’s hiding behind an invalid TLS cert: (better link) Hackage Security Alpha Release - Well-Typed: The Haskell Consultants
That makes two sources of info. Are there more?
I could always read the source, of course, but I don’t need that level of detail just yet…