Great to see interest in having a devroom at FOSDEM 2024. Thanks @Kleidukos for stepping up (I provided all the materials I can).
Some thoughts and anecdotes:
Demand for devrooms is huge and it is far from guaranteed. For that reason, it may be a good idea to submit both a devroom and a stand (booth) proposal. These would be separate proposals and should have different organisers. If there are enough people who are willing and able to help…
IIRC, you can request a full-day devroom or a half-day devroom. But even if you request a full-day, you might only get offered a half-day. This is what happened in 2023. But it worked out well; we had a great half-day program, but would have struggled to fill a full day. Therefore it might be a good idea to directly propose a half-day devroom for 2024 - and that might improve chances of acceptance.
FOSDEM is a well-oiled machine and workload for devroom organisers is quite reasonable. The conference tech for CFPs and scheduling works well (not without its quirks, of course). Before the conf the main things are: put out CFP and promote it, review submissions, decide the schedule (all before the deadlines), and speaker liaison. Actually hosting the devroom on the day is the most stressful part (speaker communication, MCing, social media, chatroom monitor, etc). You need at least two people, three is more comfortable. If you can arrange volunteers specifically for e.g. MCing, chatroom monitor or roving mic for Q&A, that is the perfect scenario.
Good luck, and I am happy to answer questions, review proposals, etc. But as David said, non-attendance in 2024 is a near-certainty.