GHC nightlies: feedback on usage

GHC nightlies (not to be confused with Stackage nightly) have been raised a few times in Priorities for upcoming GHC releases as a means to access/test bleeding edge features.

I was wondering to what extent they are being used in practice?

If you are using them how are you using them? If not, why not? Are there some hurdles blocking their wider adoption?

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Here is the relevant dashboards for:


They are monthly’s, at best.


It looks like haskell-ci's support for nightlies is blocked on GitHub not having proper support for optional jobs: Resolve #665: ghc-head works with GHA by phadej · Pull Request #671 · haskell-CI/haskell-ci · GitHub


  • “Nightlies” aren’t always built nightly.
  • CI for Haskell is problematic on both GitHub and GitLab.


  • redesignate “nightlies” as “monthlies”.
  • quarantine further use of both GitHub and GitLab as if they were bubonic, while other (better!) options are sought.