Greetings, forum. A little announce here, if I may.
I’d spent a lot more time than I’m willing to admit on locating the info table “which version is currently EOL / not EOL” for GHC. You know, pages like these, that many big projects keep:
- Node.js — Node.js Releases
- Status of Python versions
PostgreSQL: Versioning Policy
etc, etc.
Regardless of the frequency how often one needs this information (which may range from “daily” to “never” depending on role) — when it’s needed, it better be reachable at fingertips distance.
Enter Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) |
The site
is a non-authoritative community resource, it aggregates just this sort of lifecycle information over hundreds of software projects.
There’s a GHC page now on it, too.
It just landed today, and the pilot version is so far static. LMKWYT. The aggregator, however, does support automatic updates, and I’ll be applying further effort to get the GHC page seamlessly autoupdating too.
Huge thanks to GHC Release Managers for maintaining the source information this is based upon. Without the GHC status table this thing wouldn’t be possible.