Haskell Cafe searchable archive

Is there a searchable archive of the haskell cafe mailing list. The ones listed in the wiki, namely,
gmane (on the wayback machine) mailman (not searchable) and mail-archive (stops in 2015) are not terribly useful for more recent messages. I have searched for this, but not found it. Any pointers. Thanks.
Best wishes,
Henry Laxen

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Hello Henry,

maybe you can leverage your favourite search engine like this? Not perfect, but latest threads are there.


Thanks Francesco, that is a good idea, but in my search (for messages I’ve written) it returns no results.

Are they present in the archives? Can you give a specific example?

Maybe some robots.txt setting is preventing crawling.

Your “site:mail.haskell.org” idea works with google, though it doesn’t find all of the messages. It didn’t (actually it did) work with duckduckgo, it just found no results.
Yes, they are certainly present in the archives, but that can only be searched a month at a time, a rather daunting process since there are ~ 22 * 12 months to look through. I used to use gmane in the past, which worked wonderfully, but alas has gone away.
Solved: More searching has pointed me to markmail which has a very nice interface and provided me with all the results I was looking for.
Now I will attempt to update the haskell wiki page with this new info. Thanks so much for your suggestions Francesco.
Best wishes,
Henry Laxen


Another option: connect to the news.gmane.io NNTP server with a newsreader like Thunderbird, subscribe to the gmane.comp.lang.haskell.cafe newsgroup, tell it to download all messages, and use Thunderbird’s search. Very efficient.