Full disclosure: I work for a cryptocurrency company
I’m running an experiment: can I cover the costs for running build machines for GHC’s CI by running a stakepool? I think this could work out if enough people feel compelled to stake their ADA with the zw3rk stakepool, if they have some.
I’ve been running three x86_64-linux builders as well as one aarch64-darwin builder, and have been wondering how to make this more sustainable, I’d also like to add some fast windows builders, however that would mean higher monthly expenses.
What is staking
The Cardano network builds is consensus using a Proof of Stake algorithm. Similarly to running mining nodes for bitcoin one can run a stake pool for cardano. The effort put into running a stake pool is rewarded by the network. Pools rewards depend on the amount of ADA staked with them. Earned rewards are then distributed among those that put their ADA with the stake pool. Currently Staking ADA with stake pools will produce a ROI of up to ~5% p.a. on the staked ADA.
The idea is to run a stake pool (separate from the build machines!), with competitive parameters (1% margin). And use the rewards the pool operator obtains to pay for CI builders for GHC.
Risks involved
For anyone staking with ZW3RK, the risks are minimal. At worst you’ll miss out on better rewards due to the currently small stake. This will increase as more people stake with the pool. At best you’ll obtain the same rewards as with any other 1% pool, but also help pay for CI resources for GHC.
For me the risk is that this doesn’t work out and I’ll loose a bunch of money on build machines, and trying to run a stake pool.
Plan forward
If the pool ends up making its block, I’ll pledge to add a windows build machine. This is what we need right now the most. Spare build capacity will be put towards smoke testing GHCs by building all of stackage or other package sets against compilers.
My plea
If you hold any ADA, please consider staking it with ZW3RK and thus help pay and run CI builders for GHC.
You can see the load of the current builders on this dashboard. The current pending and running GHC CI jobs on GHC’s gitlab instance.