Haskell Foundation August Update

Haskell Foundation August Update

New Sponsor!

We want to thank our newest sponsor.

HERP is a Tokyo-based HR tech company, using Haskell to build recruiting software. They have sponsored at the Functor level!

Please join me in showing them appreciation and love for supporting the Haskell community! They join our distinguished list of sponsors:






Haskell Interlude Episode 1 is an interview with our CTO, Emily Pillmore, and is live!

Haskell Foundation Office Hours

We’ve done one so far, and it was a lot of fun. They’re scheduled for the first Monday of each month, however September’s first Monday is a holiday in the US, so instead it will be on Monday, September 13th, 16:00 UTC (9a US west coast) at my Twitch channel.

Merch Shop?

On our Slack instance we’re having a lively conversation in the #merch-shop channel about what fun stuff an HF shop might carry. Have ideas, designs, or a fistful of cash burning a hole in your pocket? Join in!

Technical Track

Utf-8 Text

Bodigrim has a big PR up! Anyone with expertise in this area please devote time to review this big boy, it is large, includes some C, and involves changing more than one fundamental assumption of the code.

Proposal Process

Emily Pillmore has a WIP PR for a new proposal process for HF technical work. If you think there is something that the HF is uniquely positioned to accomplish, this is how you would propose that we should take it on, what role we should play, and also get community feedback.


I wrote a reply to a thread about the HF’s financials and 2022 budget on the Haskell Discourse.



Was there a September update?

Yup! See the discussion here:

And here’s a direct link:

1 Like

Thanks Talor!

I searched here on Haskell Discourse for “haskell foundation update”

I guess I was too lazy to scroll “all the way down” to the 7th result :frowning: