Haskell Foundation October 2023 Update

Haskell Foundation October 2023 Update

Even without a full-time executive director, the HF soldiers on. It has been a productive month, with continued thanks to Jane Street for granting me time to work on Haskell issues and my fellow board members for helping out. In particular, I’d like to recognize Hazel Weakly and Andrew Lelechenko for taking on extra work during this period, supervising our GHC CI specialist @chreekat and the Botan bindings proposal, respectively.

New executive director

We completed an international search, including interviews and presentations from candidates, to select @jmct José Manuel Calderón Trilla as the next Executive Director of the Haskell Foundation. The full announcement is on Discourse.

New projects

Botan bindings

As sourced through a community proposal and partially funded by a generous donation from Mercury, we are supporting the work necessary to create bindings for the Botan cryptography library. The details are all in the proposal. This proposal has been greeted with excitement as part of shoring up our crypto infrastructure.

GHCup backup maintenance

GHCup has become the de-facto way to install Haskell on just about any system. Yet it has remained basically a one-person project. When @hasufell (the maintainer) reached out looking for help, we thought the project was well worth our assistance. With funding support from the Haskell.org committee, we have now entered into a maintanenace contract to help @hasufell maintain the high standard of service he has thus far been able to deliver.

Existing initiatives


The HF’s GHC CI specialist @chreekat remains hard at work keeping GHC well supported. You can read his updates for the month of October below:

An important extra project on Bryan’s plate is migration of maintenance of Stackage over to HF infrastructure, providing for ongoing support for the benefit of the Haskell community.

Technical Working Group

Meeting notes:

Stability Working Group

Meeting notes:


​The Haskell Interlude Podcast released interviews with Lindsey Kuper and Iavor Diatchki. I’m also pleased to share that community member John Hui has taken over audio editing responsibilities for the podcast; thanks, John!


I am very pleased to announce two new Functor-level sponsors: Google and Channable. Many thanks to these new joiners for supporting our thriving open source community!

​All of our work is made possible by our individual contributors and our sponsors. Thank you so much for your support.





I’d like to thank the Haskell Foundation for funding this work, and to give special thanks to Mercury for their contribution to this project as I was previously unaware of this particular detail :slight_smile: