The mission is to contribute to the development of a
collaborative digital ecosystem based on textual data mining
(i.e. GarganText platform). In particular, the Haskell back-end will be developed,
with a view to analyzing, exploring, visualizing and optimizing
textual and social databases.
About the first question (remote or on site): I answered by email but here is the public one:
The current offer deals with a job position in France/Paris in the
Complex Systems scientific community hosted by the French Research
Agency aka CNRS and all his partners. Hence work on place is expected
to meet real scientists IRL even if 2/3 days of remote work is accepted
usually after a while. Where ? A very specific place you will remember all your life we hope, let’s
keep it secret please for now: just a hint cycle $ ["science"] <> ["art"] are
our keywords of our experiments.
Besides, we employ fully remote developers in “FreeLance” in Europa
already (worldwide possible if we scale up). This option is possible
after a Public Market round each year only; expect some administrative
work even if we try to make it easier year after year. For this option,
wait for 1 year now. More information can be given if interested. We
discuss on irc OFTC#gargantext, with 2 sync meetings of 7 minutes on
average each week. We use GitLab as issues manager to produce the
invoices and we are funded to organize 2 hackatons per year.
About the project: GarganText can be considered as a “protocol” to build
Epistemic Communities, with Knowledge Maps. This
can be too abstract that is why we will model some textual data from the
Haskell Community to help, as demonstration of its effectiveness (let’s consider it at hypothesis for now).
Then GarganText [1] is a scientific project (both with fundamuntal and applied sides; hence citation enables us to get more funds to maintain uncentralized instances) fully written
in Haskell for the lazy backend and with Haskells’ strict Bro called
Purescript for the Frontend. We are grateful to Postgres’ community
too since we use it as persistent memory database deployed for instance on DebiaNix
GNU/Linux OS (Debian+Nix packager). Docker available of course on the
repo, Open Stack Images too and Debian chroots tutorial available.