Hello, I am messing around with HDBC and servant. I am implementing a “/users” api endpoint that simply returns a list of users.
data User = User
{ username :: String
, firstName :: String
, email :: String
, password :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON User
type UsersRoute = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [User]
fromSqlRowToUser :: [SqlValue] -> User
fromSqlRowToUser row = User username firstname email password
extractedRow = map fromSql row
username = extractedRow !! 0
firstname = extractedRow !! 1
email = extractedRow !! 2
password = extractedRow !! 3
-- routers handles
usersHandle :: PostgresConnection -> [User]
usersHandle conn = do
select <- prepare conn "SELECT * FROM users;"
_ <- execute select []
result <- fetchAllRows select
return $ map fromSqlRowToUser result
I get this error shown below. Expected [User], but got [[User]]. This is strange and I cannot explain why this error appears.
• Couldn't match type ‘[User]’ with ‘User’
Expected: [User]
Actual: [[User]]
• In a stmt of a 'do' block: return $ map fromSqlRowToUser result
In the expression:
do select <- prepare conn "SELECT * FROM users;"
_ <- execute select []
result <- fetchAllRows select
return $ map fromSqlRowToUser result
In an equation for ‘usersHandle’:
usersHandle conn
= do select <- prepare conn "SELECT * FROM users;"
_ <- execute select []
result <- fetchAllRows select
97 | return $ map fromSqlRowToUser result
If I show the result, it is as follows:
[[SqlByteString “john”,SqlByteString “John”,SqlByteString “john@gmail.com”,SqlByteString “johnpwd”],[SqlByteString “linda”,SqlByteString “Linda”,SqlByteString “linda@gmail.com”,SqlByteString “lindapwd”]]
As @tomjaguarpaw said, you probably meant IO [User].
return :: Monad m => a -> m a
When your function is from … -> [User], (which can be written as … -> ([]) User), when you write in the end return something, the inferred type is return :: a -> [a].
Because you return (something :: [User]), the resulting type is [[User]] which doesn’t match [User].
If you remove the return you’ll get further errors because of the do notation (…)
usersHandle :: PostgresConnection -> Server UsersRoute
is the Server that implements your API UsersRoute
You want to call the three functions above from usersHandle, but won’t be able to!
An explanation here won’t paint the whole picture – there’s a lot going on.
But in short, your HDBC functions return IO something, and your usersHandle returns Server UsersRoute, and IO and Server don’t “match”.
However, there’s a nice function called liftIO :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a which reads "If m instances MonadIO, then a value of type IO a can be transformed into m a". And luckily, the Handler monad you’re implicitly using when you write Server UsersRoute instances MonadIO (This means, somewhere, there’s instance MonadIO Handler)
To conclude, you get a value with type IO something when you use HDBC, and you can transform IO something into Handler something using liftIO. And Handler something already matches your server (because Server UsersRoute is actually the same as Handler [User])
You can factor out the liftIO to make it a bit cleaner.
You can have
usersHandle :: PostgresConnection -> Server UsersRoute
usersHandle conn = do
result <- liftIO $ do
select <- prepare conn "SELECT * FROM users;"
execute select []
fetchAllRows select
let users = map fromSqlRowToUser result
return users
You could, technically, also have (while not as good as the above imo)
usersHandle :: PostgresConnection -> Server UsersRoute
usersHandle conn = liftIO $ do
select <- prepare conn "SELECT * FROM users;"
execute select []
result <- fetchAllRows select
let users = map fromSqlRowToUser result
return users
But map fromSqlRowToUser isn’t concerned with IO, so it’s good practice to have it “outside” of liftIO (therefore only IO values are lifted with liftIO and we have better separation of concerns + etc) (also liftIO $ return x can be slower than just return x, or so I’ve heard)