Hello fellow Haskell developers,
I just finished a first draft of izuna. It’s a project that brings Haskell type annotations on Github.
It looks like this:
I would love some feedbacks
Hello fellow Haskell developers,
I just finished a first draft of izuna. It’s a project that brings Haskell type annotations on Github.
It looks like this:
I would love some feedbacks
Welcome to the Haskell Discourse!
Would it be difficult to have the izuna-action
upload the .hie
files as Github Action artifacts, and then the plugin is the thing that does the analysis? That would remove the need for an external server.
Hey thanks!
It is technically feasible yes (I actually started that way) but sending the hie files to a server ended up being much easier so I switched half way
Izuna v1.0 is now available \o/
Supports split & unified diff
Supports Github syntax color
fix some bugs
You can use it easily by installing the chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/izuna/fdddagbfkgicjkeijmbfdcmjeldegfdi and go to https://github.com/matsumonkie/izuna/pull/22/files