I wrote a novel…

… and it’s heavy on Haskell!

Hi wonderful community!

As the title says, there’s a new book out there. It’s not written from the perspective of a Haskell expert, nor a newcomer, but a pragmatist trying to make sense of it while solving challenges on the job. It’s equal parts urban fiction and Haskell book.

I wouldn’t dare asking you to spend your hard earned sweet sweet money on it, but it’s actually free to read for anyone subscribed to Kindle unlimited, and I’d love to hear your feedback.

Now for me to give something back!
I’ve been programming for 15 years and always felt all languages to be taxing on my mind. Maybe it’s their verbosity. Maybe it’s having to think in computer terms. Maybe it’s the way the code looks. Maybe it’s something else entirely. Haskell is a language that’s not only not taxing, but thought provoking even (enough to write a novel around)! It’s a language I enjoy using on my free time. It’s a language that makes me want to program.

I want to use the opportunity to thank all those involved in leading and maintaining this beautiful language! You bring joy to this programmer!!!

For those interested, the book is called “A Developer In Purgatory” and it’s available on Amazon

See you around!


Hello Esteban, congratulations on releasing your novel!

A preview of the first chapter would do wonders in allowing users to judge whether the style of writing is to their liking or not.

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It seems like Amazon has a book sample option


Congrats on the novel. I don’t have Kindle Unlimited so I just went ahead and purchased your book. I went to download it on my Kindle and it says it’s not compatible with Kindle. I have a Paperwhite, the 2021 generation I believe. Any chance you can add support for this device version? Thanks.


Hi Francesco! That’s a neat idea, I’ll figure out the best way doing it on Amazon. This is all new territory for me.

Hi James, thank you very much for purchasing it!!

I struggled quite a bit with the formatting since I wanted the code to look good.

I’d love to release a kindle reader version, as I very much prefer it too, but have to figure out a good way to do so first. I hope it’s just a matter of time. The packaging app only accepts word documents when producing kindle formats, and I wrote the book using latex, which produces pdfs. I tried converting it to word in many ways but all broke the formatting.

The book is still readable on any PC downloading the kindle app, and I’m pretty sure on tablets too, judging by the previews of the packaging app. Although I still haven’t tested on tablets yet as I don’t have one.


No worries, I’m currently reading it on the Kindle desktop app. Thanks for the detailed explanation of the Kindle publishing process!