It seems, this is “just” an idea. There’s no code that has been written? At least I can’t find any.
While I find the ideas exciting, I question that it’s helping the project to go public this early with no substantial implementation work done and not even a firm design document.
Brainstorming in public usually ends in a disaster, with too many opinions and no engaged contributors anyway. The subversion developers talked about this and suggested a project in early stages should have a very small circle of developers until some substantial work has been done and certain design decisions have crystallized, so people don’t project all their ideas into your product.
Having something concrete to show is also a better way to attract hands-on contributors. I know a couple of people interested in writing a Haskell implementations or tinkering with Haskell dialects. I’m not sure they would invest their time in this project, though. Not at this stage.