Since this is not on github/gitlab/etc., is there a way to see a list of bugs/feature requests? Otherwise I’ll ask via email, but nowadays seems somewhat opaque.
True to dogfooding, I write every reported Issue/request in a TODO and run lentil periodically to update this list.
Simon Michael suggested a web-like interface to display them in a WWW friendly manner. It is a good idea and I have some handwritten notes on how to implement it (tentative name: chickpea), but never got around to make it!
a markdown output would be useful, as then it can be transformed via pandoc into whatever; I’d use this to put up an HTML up somewhere; I don’t need it to be serving (in real time), just to be able to render a HTML, and the markdown→pandoc route seems best
scanner for yesod templates (hamlet/julius/casius), which are a bit difficult since they are html/js/css + embedded Haskell
Both are very “would scratch my itch” requests, of course
Maybe it would be easier to provide some JSON output. JSON is easily consumed by most tools, and writing a small script to convert JSON into pandoc’s internal format (and from there to HTML/Markdown/Org-mode/…) is reasonably simple.
I’ve delayed responding to this because, I realised, not what to generate as markdown is the question, but is is rather how should a web report look like. Backtracking from that to markdown is rather easy.
And what should the HTML look like I’m not so sure about, I realised. Surely all the tags in the file list would link to a summary section that is basically what -f tagpop does today, but beyond that, not sure.