The main problem is that you now want to introduce dynamic behavior. I think the simplest way to do this is to use a function from integers to booleans to represent a dynamically changing system. Then the clock is implicit: every integer in the input is a sample of the signal at a clock tick.
newtype Signal = Signal { runSignal :: Integer -> Bool }
The DFF can be implemented like this:
dff :: Signal -> Signal
dff (Signal out) = Signal $ \t -> out (t - 1)
And you will need some functions to combine Signals:
nandSignal :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
nandSignal (Signal in1) (Signal in2) = Signal $ \t -> nand (in1 t) (in2 t)
You could also use more general lifting functions:
liftSignal :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Signal -> Signal
liftSignal f (Signal in1) = Signal $ \t -> f (in1 t)
liftSignal2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> Signal -> Signal -> Signal
liftSignal2 f (Signal in1) (Signal in2) = Signal $ \t -> f (in1 t) (in2 t)
Edit: Sorry, I think the above implementation is nice, but it has a problem with starting the simulation. You need to define an initial state somehow (otherwise I think the program will loop forever). That can be done using natural number instead of integers, but perhaps it is easier to use lists of booleans instead of functions:
type Signal = [Bool]
initialState :: Bool
initialState = False
dff :: Signal -> Signal
dff xs = initialState : xs -- Note how 'dff xs !! t = xs !! (t - 1)'
You have to redefine some of your existing operations to work on Signals.
mux :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal -> Signal
mux s a b = orS (andS a (notS s)) (andS b s)
andS :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
andS a b = zipWith (&&) a b
notS :: Signal -> Signal
notS a = map not a
orS :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
orS a b = zipWith (||) a b
We can use laziness and recursion to define loops in signals:
reg1 :: Signal -> Signal -> Signal
reg1 inp load = out where out = dff (mux load inp out)
You can use it like this:
> reg1 [True,True,False,False] [True,False,True,True]