Packdeps needs new hosting

I just noticed that is no longer available. It used to be a site where you could explore reverse dependencies of Hackage packages.

It was working in May 2024.

The site says they are looking for new hosting, so I thought I’d mention it here.

This is a parked page for and These sites were previously hosted by FP Complete, and are looking for a new home. If anyone is interested in picking these up, feel free to reach out to Michael Snoyman.


For what it’s worth, Hackage shows reverse dependencies these days. For example from profunctors:



At least for me, the primary feature of the site is the RSS feeds used to notify developers of new versions of dependencies for packages in Hackage. I just checked my feed reader, and the status is still Good even though it no longer works. Fetching a feed manually confirms that it returns the same HTML as the website.

I hope that a new home for the service can be found, as receiving such notifications via RSS is very helpful.

Note that developers who want to check for new versions of dependencies while the service is down may do so locally using the packdeps CLI.

You can simply use Hackage for that!

Login, go to the Account management page, and click “change your notification preferences”.

You can set it up so you get a notification when a dependency is updated for a package that you maintain. There are also multiple strictness level (always/bounds reject new dep version/build fails).


oooh packdeps/reverse is one of my fav online haskell resources! Great also for learning how libraries and their abstractions are used. Hope it won’t disappear.

Which functionality is Hackage missing?

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Hackage shows rev deps per-package, whereas on packdeps it’s one big list including last update IIRC.


Slightly tangential, but there is that handles dependencies in other ecosystems. We (SRT) were chatting with the developers to integrate Haskell packages there, and I think there is some headcount dedicated to this in the next year.

Maybe the work can be preseeded with packdeps data?


Thank you! Such notifications are very helpful!

An additional benefit of packdeps RSS feeds, however, is that one is able to be notified of new versions of dependencies for packages that they contribute to but do not maintain.

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FWIW, the plan was for me to migrate this to the new Stackage infrastructure as well, but now that I am on a 20% contract I probably won’t be available for the work any time soon.

If someone wants to help do the work, feel free to ask questions at Host packdeps on stackage infrastructure? · Issue #5 · commercialhaskell/stackage-infrastructure · GitHub

EDIT: Or hire me to do the work. :slight_smile:


I have a simple script to explore reverse dependencies in PackDeps-style locally: RevDeps.hs · GitHub

E. g.,

$ cabal run RevDeps.hs -- text-builder-linear
oplang	[text-builder-linear >=0.1 && <0.2]
rerefined	[text-builder-linear >=0.1.2 && <0.2]
strongweak	[text-builder-linear >=0.1.2 && <0.2]
text-ansi	[text-builder-linear >=0.1.1 && <0.2]
text-builder-linear	[text-builder-linear]
vector-quicksort	[text-builder-linear]

I got a moment to elaborate the script into a package:

Now it also shows the total count of reverse dependencies. E. g.,

$ cabal run hackage-revdeps -- hspec HTF sandwich skeletest sydtest tasty test-framework

Total count:
HTF            46
hspec          2593
sandwich       7
sydtest        47
tasty          2164
test-framework 663