I must say first of all I’m quite new in Parsec. I am trying to write a parser in order to catch errors during the creation of a document via TeX. I have already written something using pcre-light, but I think it might be nice to learn some Parsec. The book “Real World Haskell” seems quite outdated regarding this topic. I read something on Hackage, and here is my attempt.
{- cabal:
build-depends: base, parsec
module TeXOutputsParser where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
data TeXError = FileNotFound String
| OtherTeXError String
deriving (Show)
texError :: GenParser Char s TeXError
texError = do
char '!' >> spaces
try fileNotFound <|> otherTeXError <?> "tex-error-parser failed..."
fileNotFound :: GenParser Char s TeXError
fileNotFound =
FileNotFound <$>
between (string "LaTeX Error: File `")
(string "' not found")
(many (noneOf "'"))
otherTeXError :: GenParser Char s TeXError
otherTeXError =
OtherTeXError <$> many (noneOf "?")
texErrors :: GenParser Char s [TeXError]
--texErrors = many (noneOf "!") >> texError `sepBy` many (noneOf "!")
texErrors = (eof >> return [])
<|> (texError >>= \err -> (err:) <$> texErrors)
<|> (many (noneOf "!") >> texErrors)
The question are:
- As you can see, I have commented one LOC, being that one of my early attempts. But it fails, see the output below for example. Why?
- Any suggestion? Can I make the code shorter and more “idomatic”?
Here is a sample output:
This is LuaHBTeX, Version 1.17.0 (TeX Live 2023)
restricted system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2023-06-01> patch level 1
L3 programming layer <2023-06-16>
Document Class: article 2023/05/17 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class
! LaTeX Error: File `not-a-package.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name:
! LaTeX Error: File `not-a-package2.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name: (./main.aux) (~/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ts1cmr.fd)
406 words of node memory still in use:
3 hlist, 1 vlist, 1 rule, 2 glue, 3 kern, 1 glyph, 4 attribute, 48 glue_spec
, 4 attribute_list, 1 write nodes
avail lists: 2:82,3:20,4:5,5:82,6:8,7:2054,8:1,9:72,10:3,11:144
Output written on main.pdf (1 page, 12828 bytes).
Transcript written on main.log.
Thank you for any help.