r/Haskell is going dark

There have been a number of people demanding the sub reopen on their terms, but I haven’t seen any volunteers for moderating it. :thinking:

Even though I don’t feel I have the legitimacy and would prefer to give such rights to more experienced and knowledgeable contributors, I’d be happy to, 0 problem, and I can see others are replying already, so that could happen fast.

I’ve felt reluctant to volunteer when Taylor hasn’t asked for volunteers. It feels kinda off, like maybe it would seem like my goal all along has been to get mod powers or something? Idk.

But since you ask: yes, I would be willing to help mod, if desired.

(Separately, I think the number of people who could be considered to be demanding that the sub reopen is small.)


r/haskell is now read-only. I have opened a poll to see what the community would like to do next. You can read about it and vote here:


As I’ve stated on Reddit, the problem was that the decision was too abrupt. Please do not resign from /r/Haskell; even if we choose to keep the subreddit open, it’s good to have old and experienced hands moderating.

I think with the recent blackout protest, Reddit is likely starting to go down the drain (to pure unusability from merely something distasteful; there are still hate communities, there used to be CSEI boards) and migrating off Reddit is a good idea.

But it is not in the spirit of the Haskell community to make such a snap decision; we’ve been arguing for dependent types for years, and only recently was in approved, and DTs are, unfortunately currently deep in the pipeline and not expected for years either due to the implementation issues rae discovered.

In the same way, if we are to move away from Reddit, it should be a gradual, phased process, not a snap “your /r/Haskell is dead” decision, and the migration plan should be well-architected.


Would be nice to have an actual poll where you can pick from several choices. Non-binding perhaps but would be interesting to measure the temperature.

I think this Discourse is working pretty good as a replacement for the Reddit so far.

There is now : Vote on the future of r/haskell - #8 by f-a

In hindsight, you probably meant a poll about where to move the community next. Sorry about that

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Indeed see you all in the new thread

If Taylor does not mind I will lock this to keep discussion going in one place.