Research Software Engineer at Epic

The Verse research group at Epic Games, of which I am a member, is looking for a research software engineer to join the team.

By way of context we are designing a new and rather unusual programming language called Verse. Verse is a functional logic language, with a distinctive and highly expressive type system. It is the language in which game designers and myriad other uses of the Unreal engine will give behaviour and life to their virtual realities. You can find a paper about it here.

The job of the research group is to build the semantic foundations of Verse. We are using denotational semantics, rewrite systems, verifiers, abstract machines, and other tools to describe and implement the language. We have many prototypes, and we test them against suites of regression tests and QuickCheck-generated properties. The research group includes myself, Jan Vitek, Lennart Augustsson, Koen Claessen, and Andy Sonnenburg.

All our prototypes are built in Haskell, hence advertising the job here. We are primarily looking for an engineer. Verse is an ambitious language, and we are looking for help with developing our infrastructure of research prototypes and keeping it up to date, tested, and inter-connected. For this infrastructure work you need strong Haskell skills; QuickCheck; knowledge of CI infrastructure; parsers; tracking and visualising data; and of course willingness to operate as part of a team. You will also have a good background in programming language design, semantics, and implementation, so that you can rapidly make sense of and contribute to the language design, and then convert that design into executable prototypes. (But you don’t need to be a CS professor; this is not a research-leader role.)

Here is the authoritative job advert. Do apply!



Seems like an interesting role! It sounds like this is an on-site job? Should people from outside the UK apply (if they’re willing to move)?


I should have said: it’s not an on-site job. The team is geographically spread out, and you could live anywhere. Meetings tend to be around 1-3pm London time so you’d need to be regularly available at that time.


So what you’re saying is it’d be perfect for a night-owl Australian? Fantastic :grinning:. I’ll have to get an application in this weekend!


Is salary range available?

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I’m afraid I have no idea, but I would expect it to be competitive.

What is the required experience? Is this open for fresh (PhD) grads?

The official advert is linked at the top. It doesn’t mention required experience, so yes you are free to apply.