When I generate documentation for my package (using cabal v2-haddock
), identifiers are only hyperlinked if they are within the same package. Identifiers in base
(or other packages I depend on) are not hyperlinked.
And, indeed, Haddock complains about this when I run it:
could not find link destinations for:
Bounded minBound maxBound Enum succ pred toEnum Int fromEnum
enumFrom enumFromThen enumFromTo enumFromThenTo Eq == Bool /= Ord
compare Ordering < <= > >= max min Read readsPrec ReadS readList
readPrec ReadPrec readListPrec Show showsPrec ShowS show String
showList Generic from Rep to Type NFData rnf Hashable hashWithSalt
hash D1 MetaData False :+: C1 MetaCons PrefixI U1 Default def True
:*: S1 MetaSel Just NoSourceUnpackedness SourceStrict
DecidedStrict Rec0 HasCallStack Text Maybe Either Nothing
However, when I look at documentation on Hackage, all of the identifiers are hyperlinked, pointing to other packages when necessary.
How can I get my local Haddock documentation to link to the documentation on Hackage, for packages which come from Hackage?
Note: I’m currently using cabal-install version and Haddock version 2.22.0 on Ubuntu 20.04.6, if it matters.