Hi there,
I’m learning Haskell by implementing a small toy project. I’m stuck implementing an IO action to insert medical reports into a Postgres database.
These reports have many lesions associated with them. I need to insert the report and all its lesions within a transaction.
The reason I’m stuck is because I don’t know how to structure conditional logic for the different conditions that might occur within this IO action.
Lesions should be inserted only if I successfully inserted the report and got the report’s ID. I also need to propagate any potential error from inserting a lesion to the calling function. The action returns IO (Either String Int64)
, see code sketch below.
This is the sketch of code I’m working on at the moment. It clearly doesn’t even compile but I just want to convey where I’m trying to go. Let me know if it isn’t clear and I’ll provide any clarifications.
data Report = Report
{ procedureDate :: LocalTime,
lesions :: [Lesion]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
insertLesions :: Connection -> Int64 -> [Lesion] -> IO (Either String Int64)
insertLesions db reportID lesions = undefined
insertReport :: Connection -> Int64 -> Report -> IO (Either String Int64)
insertReport db pid report = do
-- Transaction begin omitted
(rs :: [Only Int64]) <-
"insert into catheterization_reports (user_id, procedure_date)\
\values (?, ?) returning id"
(pid, procedureDate report)
-- I need to make sure `rs` has one element, the ID of the created report, before moving to insert its lesions
-- It would be even better if we can guarantee `rs` contains strictly one element before continuing.
case rs of
[] -> return ()
(Only rid : _) -> do
-- IO action inside a different monad (is this code screaming for monad transformers?)
insertLesions db rid (lesions report)
-- Transaction commit/rollback omitted
-- When the IO action ends I'd like to provide the caller with either the ID of the created report or a string with an error
-- This pattern of error handling might not be the best. I'm trying to understand if exceptions are better in this scenario.