The f in this case point to a “container” over which you can fold, like a list []. Or to be specific, a type with kind * -> * (or Type -> Type).
The single argument [1,2,3,4], in this case is of type [Int] (or differently written [] Int: “list of int”). The list here [] is foldable, which is the f, the Int is just the elements of the foldable thing, which is the a.
If it would be Foldable a => a -> a, there would be a few problems:
You wouldn’t be able to fold a [Int] into an Int, because if a is [Int], the result would also be a [Int]. And folding all the Ints into one Int is the whole point of Foldable.
If [Int] would be Foldable (i.e. has a Foldable instance), that would also mean you’d have to reimplement instances for [String], [Char], [Double], etc. etc. etc. Which is a lot of copy pasting and generally superfluous, because it should just work over any list [] (which is why the f is just list, i.e. [])
Other Foldable types are Maybe, Map k, Set, etc. where you can also see, these are all types that need one more type to become a concrete type (Maybe → Maybe a, Map k → Map k a, Set → Set a)
Here is how I would read the type signature Foldable f => f a -> a: the type of functions from a foldable container of as to an a. I think the thing that’s throwing you off is that (f a) is a type. How? Well, a is a type, and f is a function from types to types, so by applying f to the argument a, you get a new type f a. This kind of thing can be confusing when learning Haskell.
The point of this signature is to say: I’m a function that takes some kind of collection of as (could be a list, but could be anything else that’s an instance of the Foldable class too), and I’ll give you back an a.
The GHCi :info command is your friend. (I’m cherry picking the info it shows.)
>:info Foldable
class Foldable t where
null :: t a -> Bool
length :: t a -> Int
elem :: Eq a => a -> t a -> Bool
You’ll see in all the signatures for Foldable’s methods, they have t a -> ; there’s no bare t -> .
Foldable is a “Constructor class” – that is, its type param t applies to the element’s type a to construct a Type. That’s what the first bit of :info is telling you:
type Foldable :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
You can read t a or the f a in Foldable f => f a -> ... as a structure containing elements a over which you can fold some operation on the as.
I find it possible to think about Foldable f meaning f is a Foldable and as such it needs a parameter to initialize (which is a). That works for me.
And I’m guess that f as a function means that Foldable f creates a class constructor and f a is the initialization where a is the value being passed into the constructor. Is that correct?
No. Classes are best not though of as concrete things. The Foldable f is a constraint, meaning that there exists an implementation of Foldable for f. It also has no bearing on the semantics of f a later on.
You can think of f as a function that takes a type and returns another type.
For instance, f might be the list type, which would take a and turn it into [a]. This is easy to see for lists, because lists have special notation, but, in general, a parameterized type (in other languages it’s often called generic, but that means something else in Haskell) is a type constructor, so the type is represented by function application—just like Just x is what you get when you call Just on x, f x is just the way to write the type you get when you apply f to x.
Expressions to the left of => are just conditions a type must fulfill in order for the function/value to exist for that type. For instance, 1 :: Num a => a means 1 is any type, as long as there exists an implementation of Num for it.