Will You Join In A Media Campaign?...To Let People Know They Can Now Donate To Support The Fledgling Haskell Foundation

New individual donors are not at this time being thanked, and I think it would be fantastic. Particularly nice to have it come from a community member, and I would be very happy to do so in addition.

The PayPal button for donations went live May 6th, and we added the recurring option on June 15th. So maybe not as long as you may think!

I believe we can get the information pretty easily about when people made their first donation, and I’m happy to provide that information to the task force. We can also ask, as part of the thank you note, whether people want to (opt in? opt out?) have their donation be anonymous.


How about Wednesday at 16:00 UTC? Anyone interested please email me at andrew@haskell.foundation and I’ll send the meeting invite. The Jitsi link will be: https://meet.jit.si/ComplicatedTypesSecureNever.

Thank you!


So we’ve had a first meeting with Andrew Boardman, Chris Smith, Simon Payton Jones and myself (Matthias Toepp).

We are working to create what we’re calling the Our Foundation Task Force.

You can see our call for membership document here:

I see this as an opportunity to help the Haskell Foundation expand its support for the community and at the same time encourage community support for the Foundation.


I’ve started a new thread: