[ANN] First release candidate for stack-2.15.7

You can download binaries for this pre-release from: Release rc/v2.15.6.1 · commercialhaskell/stack · GitHub.

Please test it and let us know at the Stack repository if you run into any trouble. If all goes well, we hope to release the final version soon, as the changes are made to allow a released version of Stack to build with the coming GHC 9.10.

Release notes:

  • This release fixes potential bugs.

Changes since v2.15.5:

Major changes:

  • Stack 2.15.5 and earlier cannot build with Cabal (the library) version Stack can now build with that Cabal version.

Behaviour changes:

  • Stack’s StackSetupShim executable, when called with repl and stack-initial-build-steps, no longer uses Cabal’s replHook to apply initialBuildSteps but takes a more direct approach.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a regression introduced in Stack 2.15.1 that caused a ‘no operation’ stack build to be slower than previously.