[ANN] Second release candidate for stack-2.15.7

You can download binaries for this pre-release from: Release rc/v2.15.6.3 (release candidate) · commercialhaskell/stack · GitHub.

Please test it and let us know at the Stack repository if you run into any trouble. If all goes well, we hope to release the final version soon, as the changes are made to allow a released version of Stack to build with the coming GHC 9.10.

Release notes:

  • This release fixes potential bugs.

  • The hash that Stack uses to distinguish one build plan from another has changed for plans that set (as opposed to unset) manually Cabal flags for immutable dependencies. This will cause Stack to rebuild dependencies for such plans.

Changes since v2.15.6.1:

Bug fixes:

  • The hashes that Stack uses to distinguish one build plan from another now include the Cabal flags for immutable dependencies set manually. Previously, in error, only such flags that were unset manually were included.