Just in time for the Haskell Symposium, HLS has been released. The prebuilt binaries in this release support the following GHC versions:
- 8.6.5
- 8.8.4
- 8.10.7
- 9.0.2
- 9.2.3
- 9.2.4
- 9.4.1
- 9.4.2
These binaries can be installed using GHCup or version 2.0.0 and above of the VSCode extension or downloaded directly from here. Older versions of the VSCode extension will not attempt to download this version.
- Binaries for GHC 9.2.3 and GHC 9.2.4
- Initial support for GHC 9.4 with binaries for GHC 9.4.1 and GHC 9.4.2
- Startup time and performance improvements on projects using Template Haskell by serializing intermediate core (#2813)
- Memory usage improvements due to using a packed representation for filepaths (#3067, @kokobd)
- Improvements for hls-class-plugin (#2920, @July541)
- The new hls-gadt-plugin (#2899, @July541)
- Moving code actions from ghcide to the new hls-refactor-plugin (#3091, @wz1000)
- Many more improvements and bug fixes thanks to our contributors!