At what point should I give up on learning Haskell?

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What makes you think I’m mathematically-educated? I took college calculus but never went beyond that. And it was a long time ago. I don’t remember much.

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o_0 …darn: that was supposed to be for @odcameron >_<

A case of mistaken identity…

no problem

(additional chars to meet post requirement)

I am few steps further from being an Amateur in Haskell and I feel your words. At the end of the day I think that the key is to ask yourself why you are earning Haskell?

  • If it is due to pure joy of learning this cool designed language (it was my reason at the beginning) then just enjoy the long journey! The best guide to master Haskell is HERE
  • If the end goal is to learn to program to get a job, then unless that job is in a field that motivates more sophisticated devs like Haskellers then go for Haskell! Otherwise, learn something more popular and directly ‘employable’ for more average jobs

Identify your industry and motivation, hope it helps :slight_smile:

Even if the end goal is writing code for work, learning aspects of Haskell will most likely make you a better programmer, regardless of the language you are working with. At least that is my own experience and something I’ve read/heard from others as well.