Hello everyone.
I’m have been learning programming over a course of two years for now, and while I enjoy languages like C, C++ and Java (last of which is a language I use at work), but recently I came to want something novel.
Haskell was in my sight for quite a while, and one of the things I heard about it is it’s great community, so now I’m here in a search of guidance.
I am currently covering language basics with this course on YouTube:
And this course I found on Haskell wiki:
I also am trying to apply gained knowledge at least to some degree by solving 99 Haskell Problems on Haskell wiki. Though right now I hit a brick wall of not having proper math education (well I got bachelors degree and had a math class there, but it was awfully shallow and mostly forgotten by now).
Basically, you can assume I have near to zero real practical knowledge in computer science and math. Yes, that is not completely true, but the impostor syndrome is extremely strong in me, so I would appreciate your patience and understanding. I also have almost no completed personal projects, at least none worth mentioning. There are some 200-300 code line programs in C and Python, but I wrote them only for calculating some simple stuff for games and to help my friend with his coursework.
So I would like to ask about these sources:
- Books, preferably in order of reading, on Haskell, maybe math and general computer science
- Problem sets on Haskell, preferably a lot of problems on each topic
- Project ideas. Simple, but useful. Any guidelines and sources on project management, development, style etc. would be greatly appreciated
- Community links and free online learning resources
I never in my life had so much fun doing anything really as writing Haskell code. So I would like it to stick, and grow as both a person and as a developer with that language.
Thank you very much in advance!
Sorry for my probably somewhat bad English. I’m not a native speaker.
Victor M. Snow