Bulletin-app: A bulletin board in Haskell and scotty

After writing a blog post on building a bulletin board, I decided spend a couple of weeks and build something a bit more featureful, including user management, post editing, comments, basic mod tools and more.

The result of my work is bulletin-app. Even though it’s not the most impressive forum software out there, I had fun building it and I’m happy with the result.
I especially like the fact that it’s standalone and does not require any other software to run. Just download the statically linked executable (if you’re on linux), and run it.


  1. Run this command to a registration invite:
CONN_STRING='file:/tmp/bullet.db' ./bulletin-app generate_invites --amount 1
  1. Run this command to start the server:
VISIBLE='Public' PORT=8080 SCOTTY_ENV='Development' CONN_STRING='file:/tmp/bullet.db' ./bulletin-app serve

And visit http://localhost:8080 (and add the result of the invite generation to the url to get to the registration page).

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about this!


I’ve made a demo video for those who are interested but don’t care for trying it out themselves :slight_smile: