Contact SIGFPE?

Does anyone know how to contact SIGFPE? I was reading the blog A Neighborhood of Infinity: Profunctors in Haskell which is directly referenced in the profunctors package as a good learning reference and have some improvements I would like to submit to the document.

Also, I noticed that the blog content was generated from a literate haskell file so maybe it is on a open source version control system somewhere where I could submit proposed changes.

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Maybe through Mastodon? Dan Piponi ( - Mathstodon

or, you know, you could just divide by zero


I found the source of that blogpost here: StableBlog/Profunctors/Profunctors.lhs at main · dpiponi/StableBlog · GitHub

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I recently started a github repo with some of my old blog posts in it.

It’s partly intended as a stable place for that stuff (I don’t entirely trust Google to keep running) and maybe I’ll ask the profunctor maintainers to redirect there.

Dan (aka sigfpe)


Thanks for the reply! I’ll look at the repo.

Thanks for the link!