Haskell Ecosystem Workshop @ Zurihac

Hello everyone,

Much like last year, the Haskell Foundation is putting on a technical workshop co-located with Zurihac. Last year the focus was on GHC, this year we are changing the scope of the workshop in order to include tools that ‘fill out’ the Haskell and GHC development ecosystem:

  • Haskell Language Server
  • Cabal
  • Haskell Ecosystem Security
  • GHC
  • etc.

The event will be held during the 2 days prior to Zurihac , 6-7 June, 2024. Please take this into account when planning your trip to Zurihac.

The event’s aim is to help folks interested in contributing to these tools get up to speed on the context, design, and workflow necessary in order to make contributions to these projects. We’re asking our speakers to have ‘good first issues’ ready for volunteers to work on, and Zurihac itself will be a great time to dive in whilst still having access to the various maintainers. Additionally, the talks will be recorded as a form of documentation for these tools.

We have a few speakers committed, but are still working on the overall program. Once we have the program finalized, we will open registration. We expect to have all speakers and talks finalized within the next few weeks.

Just as last year, the event will have a modest registration fee in order to cover its costs and pay for the speakers to attend.

If you have any suggestions on what tools/topics you would like to see represented, I’m happy to hear them. While this year’s program is mostly filled, it can help us know what to plan for future events like this.

I hope to see you there!


Will there be a selection of participants again this year? Or will there be enough space for everyone?


We’re going to try and include as many people as possible, but one factor is the size of the room we’re able to get. This is one of the aspects I’m going to finalize ASAP. Last year we were able to accommodate approximately 40-50 people (including the speakers), so we’re going to shoot for a room that can accommodate at least that many people.


When might we expect some more details on this? I’d love to attend the workshop, but I am hoping to book travel and accommodation for Zurihac fairly soon!

Bizarrely, this was posted on the haskell.foundation website but not here - 2024 Haskell Ecosystem Workshop.


Here is the Eventbrite link to register for the event and purchase tickets!


Bumping this because the program has been filled out :smiley:


Gautier and I will be there on behalf of the Haskell Security Response Team. I look forward to present about our work and collaborating with others to improve the security posture of the Haskell ecosystem!

If you care about Haskell security and want to help, I hope to see you there!