Haskell Foundation board minutes, May 20, 2021

Hey all, as usual minutes and agenda are available on GitLab:


Thanks for the update!

Some of the links in the pdf (2 in «agenda», 1 in «minutes») are restricted access. Is that expected?
Also: what kind of contract was signed with Well Typed? Sponsorship?

“Expected” yes. “Ideal” no. Everyone’s still trying to figure out exactly how we publish information like this, when some information has to be kept private. I wish I could tell you that I have a great solution for this in mind, but I don’t. Permissions management turns out to be trickier to get right than it should.

The contract with Well Typed was for continued work on GHC.


What’s the plan with the RISCV affiliation?

There are a few things we hope to accomplish by our upcoming alliance with RISC-V International.

We were introduced to them by the CTO of Bluespec, Inc., Rishiyur Nikhil, who was one of the original designers of Haskell. Bluespec has an open source compiler for creating hardware designs. This compiler is written in Haskell.

Additionally we have affiliated with Clash, which is Haskell, with some libraries, and a new backend. It targets VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog, which are formats for hardware design.

So as the Haskell Foundation we represent these companies and projects and want to help Haskell be the go to language for hardware design. RISC-V is a free and open ISA, and is growing very quickly in popularity. This aligns very nicely with our open source nature. Ideally we would love to be able to show Haskell being used all the way from designing the chips to running software on them, and this is a significant step in that direction.

Beyond that, this is an opportunity for us to meet and network with like minded open source foundations and pave the way for future collaborations. We would certainly love to get to know the companies that are backing RISC-V and get them interested in using Haskell, as well.